. . "Ziua"@ca . . . "Ziua (en catal\u00E0 \"El dia\") \u00E9s un diari en roman\u00E8s d'informaci\u00F3 general de pagament i de distribuci\u00F3 matinal publicat a Bucarest (Romania). La seva edici\u00F3 nacional es publica en la seva majoria en roman\u00E8s, essent un dels m\u00E9s importants diaris que es publiquen en aquesta llengua, tot i que existeix una secci\u00F3 en angl\u00E8s de bastant qualitat i que sovint cont\u00E9 informaci\u00F3 d'import\u00E0ncia. Ziua \u00E9s un diari amb clara orientaci\u00F3 pol\u00EDtica conservadora, potser la que m\u00E9s de tots els principals diaris romanesos, compartint sovint els seus punts de vista amb el , tal com es recull a les seves editorials."@ca . . "Sorin Ro\u015Fca-St\u0103nescu"@en . . . . "Mille 17"@en . . . . . . "1065636225"^^ . . . . "Ziua"@en . "12000"^^ . "4865763"^^ . . . . . "Adina Anghelescu, Victor Roncea, Miruna Munteanu, Doru Dragomir, Catalin Varzaru, Razvan Savaliuc, George Damian, Vladimir Alexe, Laura Dushka, Rene Parsan, Mihai Toader, Marius Gherghe, Cezar Ioan"@en . . . . "12000"^^ . "Ziua (The Day in Romanian) was a major Romanian daily newspaper published in Bucharest. It was published in Romanian with a fairly sizeable and often informative English section. Ziua was founded in 1994 by Sorin Ro\u015Fca St\u0103nescu, eventually becoming foreign-owned. It was the most conservative of the major Romanian dailies, often taking a Christian-nationalist point of view in its opinion pieces."@en . . . . . "Ziua"@en . . . . "Ziua (en catal\u00E0 \"El dia\") \u00E9s un diari en roman\u00E8s d'informaci\u00F3 general de pagament i de distribuci\u00F3 matinal publicat a Bucarest (Romania). La seva edici\u00F3 nacional es publica en la seva majoria en roman\u00E8s, essent un dels m\u00E9s importants diaris que es publiquen en aquesta llengua, tot i que existeix una secci\u00F3 en angl\u00E8s de bastant qualitat i que sovint cont\u00E9 informaci\u00F3 d'import\u00E0ncia. Ziua fou fundat l'any 1930, per\u00F2 amb l'arribada dels comunistes al poder l'any 1947 el diari va haver de tancar les seves portes. L'any 1994 una nova edici\u00F3 de Ziua va sortir gr\u00E0cies a l'impuls de que encara es mant\u00E9 com a Director del diari. Ziua \u00E9s un diari amb clara orientaci\u00F3 pol\u00EDtica conservadora, potser la que m\u00E9s de tots els principals diaris romanesos, compartint sovint els seus punts de vista amb el , tal com es recull a les seves editorials. La seva plana web oficial, a m\u00E9s d'oferir els continguts de l'edici\u00F3 romanesa del diari que es publica en format paper, tamb\u00E9 ofereix una selecci\u00F3 di\u00E0ria dels articles tradu\u00EFts a l'angl\u00E8s. A m\u00E9s de l'edici\u00F3 nacional que es publica a Bucarest, existeixen altres edicions regionals en format paper: Ziua edici\u00F3 Estats Units, Ziua de Vest, Ziua de Ia\u015Fi, Ziua de Constan\u0163a, i Ziua de Cluj."@ca . . . "free bani"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Roland Catalin Pena / Adrian Patrusca"@en . "3388"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Romania"@en . . "Ziua (The Day in Romanian) was a major Romanian daily newspaper published in Bucharest. It was published in Romanian with a fairly sizeable and often informative English section. Ziua was founded in 1994 by Sorin Ro\u015Fca St\u0103nescu, eventually becoming foreign-owned. It was the most conservative of the major Romanian dailies, often taking a Christian-nationalist point of view in its opinion pieces. The Internet site of the paper, in addition to featuring almost all the contents of the Romanian edition, featured a daily selection of articles translated into English. Moreover, Ziua's website featured one of the most complete free online newspaper archives in Romania, stretching back to January 1998. There used to be several regional editions of the paper, including Ziua de Vest, Ziua de Ia\u015Fi, Ziua de Constan\u0163a, and Ziua de Cluj. These newspapers either survive as stand-alone spin-offs, with independent editorial supervision or have been sold (and subsequently renamed). The last edition of the newspaper was printed on 7 January 2010, the last front page editorial quoting unsustainable mounting losses coupled with a general economic recession. The same editorial promised that only the print edition of the newspaper will be shut down, the online edition continuing to be produced. However, the last update to the website's content occurred at 21:00 on the 7th of January, with a final update on the 12th of January replacing the front page with a message announcing that the newspaper has completely ceased to exist."@en . . . "The old logo, used until 2006"@en . "Ziua"@en . . . . . . .