. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Le R\u00E9v\u00E9rend Samson Occom (1723 \u2013 14 juillet 1792) (appel\u00E9 aussi Samson Occum) \u00E9tait un pasteur presbyt\u00E9rien d'origine am\u00E9rindienne, de la nation Mohegan qui vivait pr\u00E8s de New London, dans le Connecticut. Il est connu pour avoir \u00E9t\u00E9 le premier Am\u00E9rindien \u00E0 publier des documents et des pamphlets en anglais. Son p\u00E8re s'appelait Joshua Tomacham et sa m\u00E8re Sarah. En 1740, \u00E0 seize ans, Occom re\u00E7ut l'enseignement de pasteurs appartenant au Grand r\u00E9veil. Il commen\u00E7a \u00E0 \u00E9tudier la th\u00E9ologie \u00E0 la \u00AB Lattin School \u00BB dirig\u00E9e par Eleazar Wheelock en 1743 ; il y resta quatre ans. Il fut envoy\u00E9 en mission aupr\u00E8s des Am\u00E9rindiens de la Nouvelle-Angleterre et de Montauk (Long Island) ou il se maria. C'est l\u00E0 qu'il fut officiellement ordonn\u00E9 en 1759 par le presbyt\u00E8re de Suffolk. Le Dartmouth College fut fond\u00E9 en 1769 par le r\u00E9v\u00E9rend Eleazar Wheelock (1711 \u2013 1779). Ce dernier avait ouvert en 1754 la Moor's Indian Charity School \u00E0 Lebanon (Connecticut), une \u00E9cole destin\u00E9e \u00E0 l'instruction des Am\u00E9rindiens. Il souhaitait transformer cet \u00E9tablissement en college, mais le Connecticut refusait. Avec le concours de Samson Occom, il cr\u00E9a le Dartmouth College dans le New Hampshire, une r\u00E9gion rurale en cours de peuplement."@fr . . "Samson Occom, o meno corretto Occum (1723 \u2013 , 14 luglio 1792), \u00E8 stato un religioso e pedagogista statunitense. Era un nativo americano, pastore presbiteriano e membro della nazione Mohegan, che aveva sede vicino a New London (Connecticut). Fu il primo nativo americano che pubblic\u00F2 documenti e testi in lingua inglese. Insieme a John Eliot\u00E8 conosciuto come una delle persone pi\u00F9 importanti che crearono un interscambio tra le comunit\u00E0 native americane e la cultura europea cristianizzata.Nel 1785, insieme a due altri capi, organizz\u00F2 gli indiani cristiani appartenenti alle trib\u00F9 Mohegan e varie trib\u00F9 Pequot del New England e della parte orientale di Long Island in una trib\u00F9 chiamata Brothertown Indians."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "914171"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Samson Occom (1723 \u2013 July 14, 1792; also misspelled as Occum and Alcom) was a member of the Mohegan nation, from near New London, Connecticut, who became a Presbyterian cleric. Occom was the second Native American to publish his writings in English (after son-in-law Joseph Johnson (Mohegan/Brothertown) whose letter to Moses Paul, published April 1772, preceded Occom's by 6 months), the first Native American to write down his autobiography, and also helped found several settlements, including what ultimately became known as the Brothertown Indians. Together with the missionary John Eliot, Occom became one of the foremost missionaries who cross-fertilised Native American communities with Christianized European culture."@en . . . . . . . . "Samson Occom"@en . . . . "Samson Occom (1723 \u2013 July 14, 1792; also misspelled as Occum and Alcom) was a member of the Mohegan nation, from near New London, Connecticut, who became a Presbyterian cleric. Occom was the second Native American to publish his writings in English (after son-in-law Joseph Johnson (Mohegan/Brothertown) whose letter to Moses Paul, published April 1772, preceded Occom's by 6 months), the first Native American to write down his autobiography, and also helped found several settlements, including what ultimately became known as the Brothertown Indians. Together with the missionary John Eliot, Occom became one of the foremost missionaries who cross-fertilised Native American communities with Christianized European culture."@en . . . . "Samson Occom fou un predicador pequot. Era fill de mohegans, als 13 anys fou aconvertit al cristianisme i el 1749 fou ordenat sacerdot. Va fer de mestre mestre entre els montauk i va compondre l'estudi An Account of the Montauk Indians on Long Island, no publicat fins al 1809. El 1761-1763 va predicar entre els oneida i obr\u00ED moltes escoles. El 1774 va negociar la creaci\u00F3 d'una comunitat \u00EDndia autogovernable, Eeayam Quittoowauconnuck (Brothertown). La Revoluci\u00F3 va interrompre la seva tasca i els brit\u00E0nics els obligaren a abandonar la missi\u00F3, per\u00F2 pogu\u00E9 tornar el 1785, i fou cap de la comunitat fins a la seva mort."@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Samson Occom"@en . . . "Samson Occom fou un predicador pequot. Era fill de mohegans, als 13 anys fou aconvertit al cristianisme i el 1749 fou ordenat sacerdot. Va fer de mestre mestre entre els montauk i va compondre l'estudi An Account of the Montauk Indians on Long Island, no publicat fins al 1809. El 1761-1763 va predicar entre els oneida i obr\u00ED moltes escoles. El 1774 va negociar la creaci\u00F3 d'una comunitat \u00EDndia autogovernable, Eeayam Quittoowauconnuck (Brothertown). La Revoluci\u00F3 va interrompre la seva tasca i els brit\u00E0nics els obligaren a abandonar la missi\u00F3, per\u00F2 pogu\u00E9 tornar el 1785, i fou cap de la comunitat fins a la seva mort."@ca . . . . . "17864"^^ . . . . . . "Samson Occom"@fr . "Samson Occom (* 1723 bei New London, Connecticut; \u2020 1792 in New Stockbridge, New York; auch Samson Occum) war ein amerikanischer Geistlicher der Presbyterian Church in den Vereinigten Staaten und Stammesangeh\u00F6riger der Mohegan. Er gilt als der erste Indianer, der Dokumente und Pamphlete in englischer Sprache ver\u00F6ffentlicht hat."@de . . . . . . . . . "1123679824"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "his"@en . . . . . "Samson Occom (* 1723 bei New London, Connecticut; \u2020 1792 in New Stockbridge, New York; auch Samson Occum) war ein amerikanischer Geistlicher der Presbyterian Church in den Vereinigten Staaten und Stammesangeh\u00F6riger der Mohegan. Er gilt als der erste Indianer, der Dokumente und Pamphlete in englischer Sprache ver\u00F6ffentlicht hat."@de . . . . "Samson Occom"@ca . . . "Samson Occom"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Samson Occom, o meno corretto Occum (1723 \u2013 , 14 luglio 1792), \u00E8 stato un religioso e pedagogista statunitense. Era un nativo americano, pastore presbiteriano e membro della nazione Mohegan, che aveva sede vicino a New London (Connecticut). Fu il primo nativo americano che pubblic\u00F2 documenti e testi in lingua inglese. Insieme a John Eliot\u00E8 conosciuto come una delle persone pi\u00F9 importanti che crearono un interscambio tra le comunit\u00E0 native americane e la cultura europea cristianizzata.Nel 1785, insieme a due altri capi, organizz\u00F2 gli indiani cristiani appartenenti alle trib\u00F9 Mohegan e varie trib\u00F9 Pequot del New England e della parte orientale di Long Island in una trib\u00F9 chiamata Brothertown Indians."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . "Samson Occom"@de . "Le R\u00E9v\u00E9rend Samson Occom (1723 \u2013 14 juillet 1792) (appel\u00E9 aussi Samson Occum) \u00E9tait un pasteur presbyt\u00E9rien d'origine am\u00E9rindienne, de la nation Mohegan qui vivait pr\u00E8s de New London, dans le Connecticut. Il est connu pour avoir \u00E9t\u00E9 le premier Am\u00E9rindien \u00E0 publier des documents et des pamphlets en anglais."@fr . .