. . . . . . . . . . . "768068"^^ . . . . . . "Assistentes de vag\u00F5es eram homens que eram contratados para ajudar os passageiros nos . Durante a Guerra Civil Americana, George Pullman fez com que ex-escravos trabalhassem em seus vag\u00F5es dormit\u00F3rio. Os assistentes de vag\u00F5es trabalharam nas ferrovias americanas por aproximadamente 100 anos, do final da d\u00E9cada de 1860 a segunda metade do s\u00E9culo XX. At\u00E9 os anos 1960, os assistentes de vag\u00E3o eram exclusivamente negros, e t\u00EAm sido glorificados pelo desenvolvimento da classe m\u00E9dia negra nos Estados Unidos."@pt . . . . . . . "Pullman porter"@en . "33428"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1123604643"^^ . . . . . . . . "Pullman porters were men hired to work on the railroads as porters on sleeping cars. Starting shortly after the American Civil War, George Pullman sought out former slaves to work on his sleeper cars. Their job was to carry passengers\u2019 baggage, shine shoes, set up and maintain the sleeping berths, and serve passengers. Pullman porters served American railroads from the late 1860s until the Pullman Company ceased operations on December 31, 1968, though some sleeping-car porters continued working on cars operated by the railroads themselves and, beginning in 1971, Amtrak. The term \"porter\" has been superseded in modern American usage by \"sleeping car attendant\", with the former term being considered \"somewhat derogatory\"."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Pullman porters were men hired to work on the railroads as porters on sleeping cars. Starting shortly after the American Civil War, George Pullman sought out former slaves to work on his sleeper cars. Their job was to carry passengers\u2019 baggage, shine shoes, set up and maintain the sleeping berths, and serve passengers. Pullman porters served American railroads from the late 1860s until the Pullman Company ceased operations on December 31, 1968, though some sleeping-car porters continued working on cars operated by the railroads themselves and, beginning in 1971, Amtrak. The term \"porter\" has been superseded in modern American usage by \"sleeping car attendant\", with the former term being considered \"somewhat derogatory\". Until the 1960s, Pullman porters were exclusively black, and have been widely credited with contributing to the development of the black middle class in America. Under the leadership of A. Philip Randolph, Pullman porters formed the first all-black union, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters in 1925. Formation of the union was instrumental in the advancement of the Civil Rights Movement. Porters worked under the supervision of a Pullman conductor (distinct from the railroad's own conductor in overall charge of the train), who was invariably white. In addition to sleeping cars, Pullman also provided parlor cars and dining cars used by some railroads that did not operate their own; the dining cars were typically staffed with African-American cooks and waiters, under the supervision of a white steward: \"With the advent of the dining car, it was no longer possible to have the conductor and porters do double duty: a dining car required a trained staff ... depending on the train and the sophistication of the meals, a staff could consist of a dozen men.\" Pullman also employed African-American maids on deluxe trains to care for women's needs, especially women with children; in 1926, Pullman employed about 200 maids and over 10,000 porters. Maids assisted ladies with bathing, gave manicures and dressed hair, sewed and pressed clothing, shined shoes, and helped care for children. The Central of Georgia Railroad continued using this service as a selling point in their advertisements for the Nancy Hanks well into the 1950s."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Assistentes de vag\u00F5es eram homens que eram contratados para ajudar os passageiros nos . Durante a Guerra Civil Americana, George Pullman fez com que ex-escravos trabalhassem em seus vag\u00F5es dormit\u00F3rio. Os assistentes de vag\u00F5es trabalharam nas ferrovias americanas por aproximadamente 100 anos, do final da d\u00E9cada de 1860 a segunda metade do s\u00E9culo XX. At\u00E9 os anos 1960, os assistentes de vag\u00E3o eram exclusivamente negros, e t\u00EAm sido glorificados pelo desenvolvimento da classe m\u00E9dia negra nos Estados Unidos. Sob a lideran\u00E7a de , os assistentes de fundaram a primeira uni\u00E3o negra, a em 1925. A funda\u00E7\u00E3o dessa uni\u00E3o foi instrumental no avan\u00E7o do Movimento dos Direitos civis."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Assistente de vag\u00F5es"@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .