. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tatanan pelayanan Gereja Katolik Roma (untuk aturan mirip namun berbeda di kalangan Katolik Timur, lihat Gereja Katolik Timur) meliputi uskup, pastor (lebih umum disebut imam), dan diakon. Imamat tahbisan dan imamat umum (atau imamat seluruh orang percaya yang telah dibaptis) berbeda dalam hal fungsi dan esensi. Gereja Katolik mengajarkan bahwa saat seseorang ikut serta dalam imamat Kristus itu sendiri."@in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tatanan pelayanan Gereja Katolik Roma (untuk aturan mirip namun berbeda di kalangan Katolik Timur, lihat Gereja Katolik Timur) meliputi uskup, pastor (lebih umum disebut imam), dan diakon. Imamat tahbisan dan imamat umum (atau imamat seluruh orang percaya yang telah dibaptis) berbeda dalam hal fungsi dan esensi. Gereja Katolik mengajarkan bahwa saat seseorang ikut serta dalam imamat Kristus itu sendiri."@in . . . . . . . . . "Sacerd\u00F3cio na Igreja Cat\u00F3lica"@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Imamat dalam Gereja Katolik"@in . "39695"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1117202786"^^ . . "The priesthood is the office of the ministers of religion, who have been commissioned (\"ordained\") with the Holy orders of the Catholic Church. Technically, bishops are a priestly order as well; however, in layman's terms priest refers only to presbyters and pastors (parish priests). The church's doctrine also sometimes refers to all baptised (lay) members as the \"common priesthood\", which can be confused with the ministerial priesthood of the consecrated clergy."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "O sacerd\u00F3cio \u00E9 o of\u00EDcio dos ministros da religi\u00E3o, que foram comissionados (\"ordenados\") com as ordens sagradas da Igreja Cat\u00F3lica. Tecnicamente, os bispos tamb\u00E9m s\u00E3o uma ordem sacerdotal; no entanto, em termos leigos, padre refere-se apenas a presb\u00EDteros e pastores (p\u00E1rocos). A doutrina da igreja tamb\u00E9m \u00E0s vezes se refere a todos os membros batizados (leigos) como o \"sacerd\u00F3cio comum\", que pode ser confundido com o sacerd\u00F3cio ministerial do clero consagrado."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "O sacerd\u00F3cio \u00E9 o of\u00EDcio dos ministros da religi\u00E3o, que foram comissionados (\"ordenados\") com as ordens sagradas da Igreja Cat\u00F3lica. Tecnicamente, os bispos tamb\u00E9m s\u00E3o uma ordem sacerdotal; no entanto, em termos leigos, padre refere-se apenas a presb\u00EDteros e pastores (p\u00E1rocos). A doutrina da igreja tamb\u00E9m \u00E0s vezes se refere a todos os membros batizados (leigos) como o \"sacerd\u00F3cio comum\", que pode ser confundido com o sacerd\u00F3cio ministerial do clero consagrado. A igreja tem regras diferentes para os padres na Igreja Latina \u2013 a maior igreja particular cat\u00F3lica \u2013 e nas 23 Igrejas Orientais Cat\u00F3licas . Notavelmente, os padres da Igreja Latina devem fazer um voto de celibato, enquanto a maioria das Igrejas Cat\u00F3licas Orientais permite que homens casados sejam ordenados. Os di\u00E1conos s\u00E3o homens e geralmente pertencem ao clero diocesano, mas, ao contr\u00E1rio de quase todos os padres da Igreja Latina (cat\u00F3lica ocidental) e de todos os bispos do catolicismo oriental ou ocidental, eles podem se casar como leigos antes de sua ordena\u00E7\u00E3o como clero. O sacerd\u00F3cio est\u00E1 aberto apenas aos homens; as mulheres s\u00E3o exclu\u00EDdas. A Igreja Cat\u00F3lica ensina que quando um homem participa do sacerd\u00F3cio ap\u00F3s o Sacramento da Ordem, ele age Capitis, representando a pessoa de Cristo. Ao contr\u00E1rio do uso em ingl\u00EAs, \"as palavras latinas sacerdos e sacerdotium s\u00E3o usadas para se referir em geral ao sacerd\u00F3cio ministerial compartilhado por bispos e presb\u00EDteros. As palavras presbyter, presbyterium e presbyteratus referem-se a padres no uso ingl\u00EAs da palavra ou presb\u00EDteros.\" De acordo com o Anu\u00E1rio Pontif\u00EDcio 2016, em 31 de dezembro de 2014, havia 415.792 padres cat\u00F3licos em todo o mundo, incluindo padres diocesanos e padres nas ordens religiosas. Um padre do clero regular \u00E9 comumente chamado com o t\u00EDtulo de \"Padre\" (contratado ao Pe, na Cat\u00F3lica e em algumas outras igrejas crist\u00E3s). Os cat\u00F3licos que vivem uma vida consagrada ou monasticismo incluem tanto os ordenados quanto os n\u00E3o ordenados. Os institutos de vida consagrada, ou monges, podem ser di\u00E1conos, sacerdotes, bispos ou membros n\u00E3o ordenados de uma ordem religiosa. Os n\u00E3o ordenados nestas ordens n\u00E3o devem ser considerados leigos em sentido estrito \u2014 eles fazem certos votos e n\u00E3o s\u00E3o livres para se casar depois de terem feito a profiss\u00E3o solene dos votos. Todas as religiosas femininas n\u00E3o s\u00E3o ordenadas; podem ser irm\u00E3s que vivem em algum grau de atividade em estado comunal, ou freiras que vivem em claustro ou algum outro tipo de isolamento. Os membros masculinos das ordens religiosas, quer vivam em comunidades mon\u00E1sticas ou clausuradas isoladamente, e que sejam ordenados sacerdotes ou di\u00E1conos, constituem o que se chama clero religioso ou regular, distinto do clero diocesano ou secular. Os sacerdotes ou di\u00E1conos ordenados que n\u00E3o s\u00E3o membros de algum tipo de ordem religiosa (sacerdotes seculares) costumam servir como clero em uma igreja espec\u00EDfica ou em um of\u00EDcio de uma diocese espec\u00EDfica ou em Roma."@pt . . . "Priesthood in the Catholic Church"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The priesthood is the office of the ministers of religion, who have been commissioned (\"ordained\") with the Holy orders of the Catholic Church. Technically, bishops are a priestly order as well; however, in layman's terms priest refers only to presbyters and pastors (parish priests). The church's doctrine also sometimes refers to all baptised (lay) members as the \"common priesthood\", which can be confused with the ministerial priesthood of the consecrated clergy. The church has different rules for priests in the Latin Church\u2013the largest Catholic particular church\u2013and in the 23 Eastern Catholic Churches. Notably, priests in the Latin Church must take a vow of celibacy, whereas most Eastern Catholic Churches permit married men to be ordained. Deacons are male and usually belong to the diocesan clergy, but, unlike almost all Latin Church (Western Catholic) priests and all bishops from Eastern or Western Catholicism, they may marry as laymen before their ordination as clergy. Priesthood is open only to men; women are excluded. The Catholic Church teaches that when a man participates in priesthood after the Sacrament of Holy Orders, he acts in persona Christi Capitis, representing the person of Christ. Unlike usage in English, \"the Latin words sacerdos and sacerdotium are used to refer in general to the ministerial priesthood shared by bishops and presbyters. The words presbyter, presbyterium and presbyteratus refer to priests in the English use of the word or presbyters.\" According to the Annuario Pontificio 2016, as of December 31, 2014, there were 415,792 Catholic priests worldwide, including both diocesan priests and priests in the religious orders. A priest of the regular clergy is commonly addressed with the title \"Father\" (contracted to Fr, in the Catholic and some other Christian churches). Catholics living a consecrated life or monasticism include both the ordained and unordained. Institutes of consecrated life, or monks, can be deacons, priests, bishops, or non-ordained members of a religious order. The non-ordained in these orders are not to be considered laypersons in a strict sense\u2014they take certain vows and are not free to marry once they have made solemn profession of vows. All female religious are non-ordained; they may be sisters living to some degree of activity in a communal state, or nuns living in cloister or some other type of isolation. The male members of religious orders, whether living in monastic communities or cloistered in isolation, and who are ordained priests or deacons constitute what is called the religious or regular clergy, distinct from the diocesan or secular clergy. Those ordained priests or deacons who are not members of some sort of religious order (secular priests) most often serve as clergy to a specific church or in an office of a specific diocese or in Rome."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "8655005"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .