. "The Medal of the Royal Numismatic Society was first awarded in 1883. It is awarded by the Royal Numismatic Society and is one of the highest markers of recognition given to numismatists. The President and Council award the Medal annually to an \"individual highly distinguished for services to Numismatic Science\". In recent years the Medallist has been invited to receive the medal in person and to give a lecture, usually at the Society's December Meeting. Sir John Evans gave the dies for the original silver medal to the Society in 1883. The current medal was commissioned from Ian Rank-Broadley in 1993 and is a cast silver medal with the classical theme of Heracles and the Nemean lion. The Society commissioned to create a new medal in 2020-21"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Medaglia della Royal Numismatic Society"@it . . . . . "The Medal of the Royal Numismatic Society was first awarded in 1883. It is awarded by the Royal Numismatic Society and is one of the highest markers of recognition given to numismatists. The President and Council award the Medal annually to an \"individual highly distinguished for services to Numismatic Science\". In recent years the Medallist has been invited to receive the medal in person and to give a lecture, usually at the Society's December Meeting."@en . . . "10272"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1091054506"^^ . . . "50746464"^^ . "Medal of the Royal Numismatic Society"@en . . . . . . . "Die Medaille der Royal Numismatic Society (Medal of the Royal Numismatic Society) ist eine der ehrenvollsten Auszeichnungen auf dem Gebiet der Numismatik. Sie wird seit 1883 von der 1836 gegr\u00FCndeten Royal Numismatic Society in London vergeben an \u201Esome person highly distinguished for services to Numismatic Science\u201C. Die Medaille wird anl\u00E4sslich der j\u00E4hrlichen Generalversammlung der Gesellschaft im Dezember vergeben. Bei diesem Anlass h\u00E4lt der jeweilige Tr\u00E4ger der Medaille einen Vortrag."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Die Medaille der Royal Numismatic Society (Medal of the Royal Numismatic Society) ist eine der ehrenvollsten Auszeichnungen auf dem Gebiet der Numismatik. Sie wird seit 1883 von der 1836 gegr\u00FCndeten Royal Numismatic Society in London vergeben an \u201Esome person highly distinguished for services to Numismatic Science\u201C. Die Medaille wird anl\u00E4sslich der j\u00E4hrlichen Generalversammlung der Gesellschaft im Dezember vergeben. Bei diesem Anlass h\u00E4lt der jeweilige Tr\u00E4ger der Medaille einen Vortrag. Die Stempel der urspr\u00FCnglichen Silbermedaille wurden der Gesellschaft von John Evans gestiftet. Seit 1993 wird eine neue, von Ian Rank-Broadley entworfene Medaille verliehen."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "La medaglia della Royal Numismatic Society (Medal of the Royal Numismatic Society) \u00E8 uno dei premi pi\u00F9 ambiti per un numismatico. Viene assegnato a Londra dal 1883 dalla Royal Numismatic Society a \u201E some person highly distinguished for services to Numismatic Science\u201D. La medaglia viene assegnata nel mese di dicembre, in occasione della riunione generale annuale della societ\u00E0. In questa occasione, il premiato tiene una lezione. Il conio originale per la medaglia d'argento fu donato alla societ\u00E0 da John Evans. Dal 1993 viene assegnata una nuova medaglia, disegnata da Ian Rank-Broadley."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "La medaglia della Royal Numismatic Society (Medal of the Royal Numismatic Society) \u00E8 uno dei premi pi\u00F9 ambiti per un numismatico. Viene assegnato a Londra dal 1883 dalla Royal Numismatic Society a \u201E some person highly distinguished for services to Numismatic Science\u201D. La medaglia viene assegnata nel mese di dicembre, in occasione della riunione generale annuale della societ\u00E0. In questa occasione, il premiato tiene una lezione. Il conio originale per la medaglia d'argento fu donato alla societ\u00E0 da John Evans. Dal 1993 viene assegnata una nuova medaglia, disegnata da Ian Rank-Broadley."@it . . . . . . . . . "Medaille der Royal Numismatic Society"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .