. . . . . . . . . "Die Fourrag\u00E8re ist ein Ehrenzeichen an der Uniform von Angeh\u00F6rigen der milit\u00E4rischen Einheiten Frankreichs. Damit ausgezeichnet werden k\u00F6nnen Regimenter, selbstst\u00E4ndige Bataillone, Kompanien oder Schiffe, die sich im Kampf um die franz\u00F6sische Republik hervorgetan haben. Die Fourrag\u00E8re darf nicht mit den von Napoleon Bonaparte eingef\u00FChrten Schulterschn\u00FCren, den sogenannten \u201EAiguillettes\u201C verwechselt werden. Das Recht auf das Tragen der Fourrag\u00E8re ist von der mindestens zweimaligen Belobigung durch die Armee abh\u00E4ngig. Eine Verleihung an ausl\u00E4ndische Einheiten ist m\u00F6glich."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Fourrag\u00E8re \u00E9 um adorno colocado em cima do uniforme, habitualmente em cima de um dos ombros, tanto por militares como por civis. Em Portugal, existem tr\u00EAs tipos de fourrag\u00E8re, consoante a medalha: \n* Ordem Militar da Torre e Espada, do Valor, Lealdade e M\u00E9rito: azul \n* Medalha da Cruz de Guerra: vermelha e azul \n* Medalha de M\u00E9rito Militar: azul e branca \n* Fourrag\u00E8re com as cores da Ordem Nacional da Legi\u00E3o de Honra \n* Fourrag\u00E8re com as cores da Medalha Militar \n* Fourrag\u00E8re com as cores da Cruz de Guerra de 1914-1918 \n* Fourrag\u00E8re com as cores da Cruz de Guerra em Opera\u00E7\u00F5es Exteriores \n*"@pt . . . . . . "1584206"^^ . . . . . . . "Fourrag\u00E8re"@en . . . . . "Fourrag\u00E8re"@de . "1106457030"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "ErskineGB Gen USMC.jpg"@en . . . . . . . . "The fourrag\u00E8re (French: [fu\u0281a\u0292\u025B\u0281]) is a military award, distinguishing military units as a whole, in the form of a braided cord. The award was first adopted by France, followed by other nations such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, and Luxembourg. Fourrag\u00E8res have been awarded to units of both national and foreign militaries, except for that of Luxembourg, which has not been awarded to any foreign units."@en . "Gen Graves B. Erskine wearing the fourrag\u00E8re with the cords hanging over the sleeve, a mark of being in the military unit when the award was made"@en . . . "Fourrag\u00E8re"@pt . . . . . . . . . "225"^^ . . . . . "La fourrag\u00E8re est une d\u00E9coration r\u00E9compensant une unit\u00E9 militaire, comme un r\u00E9giment, navire, etc., ou civile, comme certains corps de sapeurs-pompiers fran\u00E7ais, pour faits de guerre ou de bravoure exemplaires. Elle est port\u00E9e par ses membres en uniforme exclusivement durant leur temps de service en son sein, le caract\u00E8re collectif de son attribution fait qu\u2019elle est rarement port\u00E9e \u00E0 titre individuel."@fr . . . . "365"^^ . . . . "1"^^ . . "Fourrag\u00E8re"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "--06-14"^^ . . . "La fourrag\u00E8re est une d\u00E9coration r\u00E9compensant une unit\u00E9 militaire, comme un r\u00E9giment, navire, etc., ou civile, comme certains corps de sapeurs-pompiers fran\u00E7ais, pour faits de guerre ou de bravoure exemplaires. Elle est port\u00E9e par ses membres en uniforme exclusivement durant leur temps de service en son sein, le caract\u00E8re collectif de son attribution fait qu\u2019elle est rarement port\u00E9e \u00E0 titre individuel."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "23419"^^ . . . . . . "Die Fourrag\u00E8re ist ein Ehrenzeichen an der Uniform von Angeh\u00F6rigen der milit\u00E4rischen Einheiten Frankreichs. Damit ausgezeichnet werden k\u00F6nnen Regimenter, selbstst\u00E4ndige Bataillone, Kompanien oder Schiffe, die sich im Kampf um die franz\u00F6sische Republik hervorgetan haben. Die Fourrag\u00E8re darf nicht mit den von Napoleon Bonaparte eingef\u00FChrten Schulterschn\u00FCren, den sogenannten \u201EAiguillettes\u201C verwechselt werden. Das Recht auf das Tragen der Fourrag\u00E8re ist von der mindestens zweimaligen Belobigung durch die Armee abh\u00E4ngig. Eine Verleihung an ausl\u00E4ndische Einheiten ist m\u00F6glich."@de . . . . . "Fourrag\u00E8re \u00E9 um adorno colocado em cima do uniforme, habitualmente em cima de um dos ombros, tanto por militares como por civis. Em Portugal, existem tr\u00EAs tipos de fourrag\u00E8re, consoante a medalha: \n* Ordem Militar da Torre e Espada, do Valor, Lealdade e M\u00E9rito: azul \n* Medalha da Cruz de Guerra: vermelha e azul \n* Medalha de M\u00E9rito Militar: azul e branca \n* Fourrag\u00E8re com as cores da Ordem Nacional da Legi\u00E3o de Honra \n* Fourrag\u00E8re com as cores da Medalha Militar \n* Fourrag\u00E8re com as cores da Cruz de Guerra de 1914-1918 \n* Fourrag\u00E8re com as cores da Cruz de Guerra em Opera\u00E7\u00F5es Exteriores \n* Fourrag\u00E8re dupla: com as cores da Legi\u00E3o de Honra e Cruz de Guerra usada pelo 3rd Foreign Infantry Regiment (Regimento de Infantaria Estrangeiro N.\u00BA 3 da Legi\u00E3o Estrangeira Francesa)"@pt . . . . "The fourrag\u00E8re (French: [fu\u0281a\u0292\u025B\u0281]) is a military award, distinguishing military units as a whole, in the form of a braided cord. The award was first adopted by France, followed by other nations such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, and Luxembourg. Fourrag\u00E8res have been awarded to units of both national and foreign militaries, except for that of Luxembourg, which has not been awarded to any foreign units. The origin of the award is not entirely certain, but at least two conjectural stories have been posited. The first involves Flemish soldiers serving under the Duke of Alva who were reported as having been cowardly in battle. The Duke threatened them all with hanging if they did not perform better in future engagements, and the soldiers, so insulted by the insinuation, took to wearing cords tied to large nails around their shoulders, as if to say, \"Hang me by this cord and nail if you see me run from battle.\" Following this, the unit's members performed so well that the rope and nail became a badge of honor. The other is that to the extent that an aiguillette is a form of fourrag\u00E8re, the wearing of armor by European knights required the use of ropes with metal tabs and a squire to cinch the armor into place\u2014the squire would carry these cords over his shoulder, hence the association with aides de camp."@en . .