. . . . . . "Categories"@en . . "1095937252"^^ . . . "Measures"@en . . . . . "\u96FB\u5B50\u6563\u4E71\u3068\u306F\u3001\u96FB\u5B50\u304C\u539F\u5B50\u30FB\u539F\u5B50\u6838\u30FB\u7D20\u7C92\u5B50\u306A\u3069\u306B\u3088\u308A\u904B\u52D5\u306E\u30A8\u30CD\u30EB\u30AE\u30FC\u3084\u65B9\u5411\u3092\u5909\u3048\u3089\u308C\u308B\u3053\u3068\u3002"@ja . . "Die Elektronenstreuung (in manchen Zusammenh\u00E4ngen auch Elektronensto\u00DF genannt) ist eine verbreitete Untersuchungsmethode speziell in der Atom- und Kernphysik. Hierbei werden Elektronen an dem Coulombpotential des Atoms gestreut, zudem wechselwirken die Spins von Elektron und Kern miteinander. Aus der Analyse der gestreuten Elektronen erh\u00E4lt man den Formfaktor der Ladungsverteilung, was der Fouriertransformierten der Ladungsverteilung entspricht. Man unterscheidet zwischen elastischer und inelastischer Streuung. Der differentielle Wirkungsquerschnitt betr\u00E4gt: Aufgrund der Elektronenstreuung konnten insbesondere am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts gro\u00DFe Fortschritte in der Erforschung der Struktur der Materie gemacht werden. Siehe beispielsweise Rutherford-Streuung. Auch die Struktur des Protons wurde mithilfe von Elektronenstreuung untersucht."@de . . . . . . "background:#CEF2E0;"@en . . . . . . . . . "Electron scattering occurs when electrons are deviated from their original trajectory. This is due to the electrostatic forces within matter interaction or, if an external magnetic field is present, the electron may be deflected by the Lorentz force. This scattering typically happens with solids such as metals, semiconductors and insulators; and is a limiting factor in integrated circuits and transistors. Electrons may be scattered through a solid in several ways:"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Die Elektronenstreuung (in manchen Zusammenh\u00E4ngen auch Elektronensto\u00DF genannt) ist eine verbreitete Untersuchungsmethode speziell in der Atom- und Kernphysik. Hierbei werden Elektronen an dem Coulombpotential des Atoms gestreut, zudem wechselwirken die Spins von Elektron und Kern miteinander. Aus der Analyse der gestreuten Elektronen erh\u00E4lt man den Formfaktor der Ladungsverteilung, was der Fouriertransformierten der Ladungsverteilung entspricht. Man unterscheidet zwischen elastischer und inelastischer Streuung. Der differentielle Wirkungsquerschnitt betr\u00E4gt:"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Scattering"@en . . "Lo scattering di elettroni \u00E8 un processo tramite il quale un elettrone \u00E8 deflesso dalla sua traiettoria originaria. Gli elettroni sono particelle cariche che risentono della forza elettromagnetica. Essi subiscono scattering da parte di altre particelle cariche interagendo attraverso forze elettrostatiche di Coulomb. Inoltre, se \u00E8 presente un campo magnetico, un elettrone in movimento sar\u00E0 deflesso dalla forza di Lorentz. Una descrizione estremamente accurata dello scattering elettronico, che include aspetti quantistica e relativistici, \u00E8 data dalla elettrodinamica quantistica. I comuni processi di scattering elettronico includono: 1. \n* l'effetto Compton e lo scattering Rayleigh, in cui un elettrone assorbe un fotone e lo riemette; 2. \n* lo , dovuto all'interazione fra due elettroni; 3. \n* lo scattering Bhabha, diffusione tra un elettrone e un positrone; 4. \n* bremsstrahlung, in cui un elettrone viene deviato con un nucleo emettendo fotoni; 5. \n* scattering anelastico profondo, in cui elettroni ad elevata energia interagiscono con un nucleo scindendolo; 6. \n* radiazione di sincrotrone in cui un elettrone interagisce con un campo magnetico esterno ed emette un fotone."@it . "Mass"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Electron scattering occurs when electrons are deviated from their original trajectory. This is due to the electrostatic forces within matter interaction or, if an external magnetic field is present, the electron may be deflected by the Lorentz force. This scattering typically happens with solids such as metals, semiconductors and insulators; and is a limiting factor in integrated circuits and transistors. The application of electron scattering is such that it can be used as a high resolution microscope for hadronic systems, that allows the measurement of the distribution of charges for nucleons and nuclear structure. The scattering of electrons has allowed us to understand that protons and neutrons are made up of the smaller elementary subatomic particles called quarks. Electrons may be scattered through a solid in several ways: \n* Not at all: no electron scattering occurs at all and the beam passes straight through. \n* Single scattering: when an electron is scattered just once. \n* Plural scattering: when electron(s) scatter several times. \n* Multiple scattering: when electron(s) scatter many times over. The likelihood of an electron scattering and the degree of the scattering is a probability function of the specimen thickness to the mean free path."@en . "\u96FB\u5B50\u6563\u4E71\u3068\u306F\u3001\u96FB\u5B50\u304C\u539F\u5B50\u30FB\u539F\u5B50\u6838\u30FB\u7D20\u7C92\u5B50\u306A\u3069\u306B\u3088\u308A\u904B\u52D5\u306E\u30A8\u30CD\u30EB\u30AE\u30FC\u3084\u65B9\u5411\u3092\u5909\u3048\u3089\u308C\u308B\u3053\u3068\u3002"@ja . . "Pictorial description of how an electron beam may interact with a sample with nucleus N, and electron cloud of electron shells K,L,M. Showing transmitted electrons and elastic/inelastically scattered electrons. SE is a Secondary Electron ejected by the beam electron, emitting a characteristic photon \u03B3. BSE is a Back-Scattered Electron, an electron which is scattered backwards instead of being transmitted through the sample."@en . . . . . . "Electric Charge"@en . . . . . . "Interactions"@en . "Electron"@en . "Spin"@en . . . "Electron scattering"@en . . . . . . "46866"^^ . "Elektronenstreuung"@de . . "Magnetic Moment"@en . . "Types of Scattering"@en . . . . . "Forces/Effects"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Scattering di elettroni"@it . . . "— Nuclei"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u96FB\u5B50\u6563\u4E71"@ja . "Types"@en . . . . . . . "[{{val|1822.8884845|}}]\u22121 u"@en . . . . . . . "—"@en . . "Lo scattering di elettroni \u00E8 un processo tramite il quale un elettrone \u00E8 deflesso dalla sua traiettoria originaria. Gli elettroni sono particelle cariche che risentono della forza elettromagnetica. Essi subiscono scattering da parte di altre particelle cariche interagendo attraverso forze elettrostatiche di Coulomb. Inoltre, se \u00E8 presente un campo magnetico, un elettrone in movimento sar\u00E0 deflesso dalla forza di Lorentz. Una descrizione estremamente accurata dello scattering elettronico, che include aspetti quantistica e relativistici, \u00E8 data dalla elettrodinamica quantistica."@it . "background:#CEF2E0;"@en . "3201543"^^ . . . . . . . "Particle"@en .