. . . "3800"^^ . . . . . . . "\u6253\u6570\uFF08\u3060\u3059\u3046\u3001\u82F1: At bat\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u91CE\u7403\u306B\u304A\u3044\u3066\u6253\u5E2D\u6570\u304B\u3089\u56DB\u6B7B\u7403\u3001\u72A0\u6253\u3001\u72A0\u98DB\u3001\u6253\u6483\u59A8\u5BB3\u3001\u8D70\u5841\u59A8\u5BB3\u306E\u6570\u3092\u9664\u3044\u305F\u3082\u306E\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002"@ja . . . . . . "Vez ao bast\u00E3o"@pt . "At bat"@pl . . . . . "Im Baseball ist ein At Bat (AB) oder eine time at bat der Vorgang, bei dem ein Batter (Schlagmann) gegen einen Pitcher (Werfer) antritt, um den Ball ins Spiel zu bringen. Um diesen Vorgang offiziell als solchen erfolgreich abzuschlie\u00DFen, muss der Batter dabei entweder aufgrund eines Hits, einer Fielder's Choice oder eines Errors mindestens die erste Base erreichen. Der Vorgang gilt au\u00DFerdem als offiziell und z\u00E4hlbar abgeschlossen, wenn der Batter, ein Out hinnehmen muss, das nicht auf der Grundlage eines Sacrifice entsteht (d. h. der Schl\u00E4ger opfert sich nicht f\u00FCr einen anderen Spieler). Andere m\u00F6gliche Ausg\u00E4nge des Schlagvorgangs werden nicht als AB gez\u00E4hlt, sondern als Plate Appearance."@de . . . "At bat \u2013 statystyka w baseballu dla pa\u0142karza. Jest to liczba jego podej\u015B\u0107 do bazy domowej w celu odbicia pi\u0142ki. Brana pod uwag\u0119 tylko w przypadku zdobycia bazy poprzez uderzenie, zdobycia bazy po pope\u0142nieniu b\u0142\u0119du przez dru\u017Cyn\u0119 broni\u0105c\u0105 oraz w przypadku wyeliminowania pa\u0142karza przez miotacza. Liderem w klasyfikacji wszech czas\u00F3w pod tym wzgl\u0119dem jest Pete Rose, kt\u00F3ry zaliczy\u0142 14 053 podej\u015B\u0107."@pl . "Le nombre de pr\u00E9sences officielles au b\u00E2ton est une statistique au baseball. Il indique le nombre de fois o\u00F9 un joueur de baseball est frappeur, mais c'est une d\u00E9finition plus restreinte que le simple total de passages au b\u00E2ton puisqu'on y retranche certaines situations de jeu pr\u00E9cises comme le but-sur-balles ou le sacrifice afin de ne pas affecter n\u00E9gativement les statistiques offensives du joueur. En anglais, la statistique est appel\u00E9e At bat. Dans cette langue comme en fran\u00E7ais, l'abr\u00E9viation utilis\u00E9e est AB."@fr . . . "7809"^^ . . "No beisebol, uma vez ao bast\u00E3o (at bat, AB) \u00E9 usada para calcular certas estat\u00EDsticas, incluindo a m\u00E9dia de rebatidas. \u00C9 uma defini\u00E7\u00E3o mais restrita de uma . Um batedor tem uma vez ao bast\u00E3o sempre que encara um arremessador, exceto nas seguintes circunst\u00E2ncias: \n* Ele recebe uma base por bolas (BB). \n* Ele \u00E9 atingido por um arremesso (HBP). \n* Ele acerta um fly de sacrif\u00EDcio ou um . \n* Ele \u00E9 premiado com a primeira base devido a interfer\u00EAncia ou obstru\u00E7\u00E3o, normalmente pelo receptor. \n* A entrada acaba enquanto ele ainda est\u00E1 no bast\u00E3o (devido \u00E0 terceira ser de um corredor pego roubando, por exemplo). Neste caso, o jogador volta ao bast\u00E3o na pr\u00F3xima entrada, com a contagem zerada. \n* Ele \u00E9 substitu\u00EDdo por outro rebatedor antes que sua vez ao bast\u00E3o se complete (a n\u00E3o ser que ele seja substitu\u00EDdo com dois strikes e seu substituto tome um strikeout). A Se\u00E7\u00E3o 10 das regras oficiais, dispon\u00EDveis na MLB.com, determinam o que uma vez ao bast\u00E3o n\u00E3o \u00E9: \"nenhuma vez ao bast\u00E3o deve ser creditada quando um jogador: (i) acerta um bunt ou fly de sacrif\u00EDcio; (ii) tem a primeira base concedida por quatro chamadas de bola; (iii) \u00E9 atingido por uma bola arremessada; ou (iv) obt\u00E9m a primeira base por causa de interfer\u00EAncia ou obstru\u00E7\u00E3o\"."@pt . . "Le nombre de pr\u00E9sences officielles au b\u00E2ton est une statistique au baseball. Il indique le nombre de fois o\u00F9 un joueur de baseball est frappeur, mais c'est une d\u00E9finition plus restreinte que le simple total de passages au b\u00E2ton puisqu'on y retranche certaines situations de jeu pr\u00E9cises comme le but-sur-balles ou le sacrifice afin de ne pas affecter n\u00E9gativement les statistiques offensives du joueur. En anglais, la statistique est appel\u00E9e At bat. Dans cette langue comme en fran\u00E7ais, l'abr\u00E9viation utilis\u00E9e est AB."@fr . . "At bat \u2013 statystyka w baseballu dla pa\u0142karza. Jest to liczba jego podej\u015B\u0107 do bazy domowej w celu odbicia pi\u0142ki. Brana pod uwag\u0119 tylko w przypadku zdobycia bazy poprzez uderzenie, zdobycia bazy po pope\u0142nieniu b\u0142\u0119du przez dru\u017Cyn\u0119 broni\u0105c\u0105 oraz w przypadku wyeliminowania pa\u0142karza przez miotacza. Liderem w klasyfikacji wszech czas\u00F3w pod tym wzgl\u0119dem jest Pete Rose, kt\u00F3ry zaliczy\u0142 14 053 podej\u015B\u0107."@pl . . . "1115090168"^^ . . "At bat"@en . . . "\u6253\u6578\uFF08At bat\uFF09\u662F\u68D2\u7403\u904B\u52D5\u4E2D\u7684\u4E00\u500B\u6210\u7E3E\u8A08\u7B97\u540D\u8A5E\uFF0C\u6307\u6253\u64CA\u624B\u5B8C\u6210\u4E00\u6B21\u6253\u64CA\uFF08\u5B8C\u6210\u4E00\u6B21\u6253\u64CA\u5373\u7B97\u4E00\u6B21\u6253\u5E2D\u6578\uFF09\u4E14\u9019\u6B21\u6253\u64CA\u4E26\u975E\u6210\u529F\u7684\u72A7\u7272\u89F8\u64CA\u3001\u56DB\u58DE\u7403\u4FDD\u9001\u3001\u89F8\u8EAB\u7403\u4FDD\u9001\u3001\u9AD8\u98DB\u72A7\u7272\u6253\u7684\u6B21\u6578\u3002 \u6253\u6578\u6700\u4E3B\u8981\u7528\u65BC\u6253\u64CA\u7387\uFF08\u5B89\u6253\u9664\u4EE5\u6253\u6578\uFF09\u7684\u8A08\u7B97\uFF0C\u7531\u65BC\u76F8\u8F03\u65BC\u6253\u5E2D\u6578\u800C\u8A00\uFF0C\u5B83\u6263\u9664\u4E86\u524D\u8FF0\u9019\u5E7E\u7A2E\u96D6\u7136\u672A\u64CA\u51FA\u5B89\u6253\uFF0C\u4F46\u4E5F\u7B97\u662F\u6210\u529F\u7684\u4E00\u6B21\u6253\u64CA\u7684\u60C5\u5F62\uFF0C\u9019\u4F7F\u5F97\u6253\u64CA\u7387\u7684\u8A08\u7B97\uFF0C\u80FD\u66F4\u6709\u6548\u5730\u53CD\u6620\u6253\u8005\u7684\u6253\u64CA\u6210\u7E3E\u3002 \u8A08\u7B97\u516C\u5F0F\u70BA\uFF1A\u6253\u6578 = \u6253\u5E2D\u6578 - \u56DB\u6B7B\u7403 - \u9AD8\u98DB\u72A7\u7272\u6253 - \u72A7\u7272\u77ED\u6253 - \u59A8\u7919\u6253\u64CA \u4F8B\u5916\uFF1A\u7576\u8A08\u7B97\u9023\u7E8C\u5B89\u6253\u6253\u6578\u6642\uFF0C\u6B64\u6642\u7684\u6253\u6578\u5C07\u5305\u542B\u9AD8\u98DB\u72A7\u7272\u6253\uFF0C\u4EA6\u5373\u6253\u8005\u5728\u64CA\u51FA\u9AD8\u98DB\u72A7\u7272\u6253\u5F8C\u5C07\u6703\u4E2D\u65B7\u9023\u7E8C\u5B89\u6253\u6253\u6578\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . "\uD0C0\uC218"@ko . . . "Pr\u00E9sence officielle au b\u00E2ton"@fr . . . "\u6253\u6570\uFF08\u3060\u3059\u3046\u3001\u82F1: At bat\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u91CE\u7403\u306B\u304A\u3044\u3066\u6253\u5E2D\u6570\u304B\u3089\u56DB\u6B7B\u7403\u3001\u72A0\u6253\u3001\u72A0\u98DB\u3001\u6253\u6483\u59A8\u5BB3\u3001\u8D70\u5841\u59A8\u5BB3\u306E\u6570\u3092\u9664\u3044\u305F\u3082\u306E\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002"@ja . "\uC57C\uAD6C\uC5D0\uC11C \uD0C0\uC218(\u6253\u6578, \uC601\uC5B4: At Bat(AB) \uB610\uB294 \uC601\uC5B4: time at bat)\uB294 \uAE30\uB85D\uC73C\uB85C, \uD0C0\uC790\uAC00 \uD0C0\uC11D\uC5D0 \uB4E4\uC5B4\uC11C\uC11C \uD0C0\uACA9\uC744 \uC644\uB8CC\uD55C \uD69F\uC218\uB97C \uB9D0\uD558\uB294\uB370, \uBCFC\uB137, \uD76C\uC0DD \uBC88\uD2B8, \uD0C0\uACA9 \uBC29\uD574\uB4F1\uC740 \uD0C0\uC218\uC5D0 \uD3EC\uD568\uB418\uC9C0 \uC54A\uB294\uB2E4."@ko . "\u6253\u6578\uFF08At bat\uFF09\u662F\u68D2\u7403\u904B\u52D5\u4E2D\u7684\u4E00\u500B\u6210\u7E3E\u8A08\u7B97\u540D\u8A5E\uFF0C\u6307\u6253\u64CA\u624B\u5B8C\u6210\u4E00\u6B21\u6253\u64CA\uFF08\u5B8C\u6210\u4E00\u6B21\u6253\u64CA\u5373\u7B97\u4E00\u6B21\u6253\u5E2D\u6578\uFF09\u4E14\u9019\u6B21\u6253\u64CA\u4E26\u975E\u6210\u529F\u7684\u72A7\u7272\u89F8\u64CA\u3001\u56DB\u58DE\u7403\u4FDD\u9001\u3001\u89F8\u8EAB\u7403\u4FDD\u9001\u3001\u9AD8\u98DB\u72A7\u7272\u6253\u7684\u6B21\u6578\u3002 \u6253\u6578\u6700\u4E3B\u8981\u7528\u65BC\u6253\u64CA\u7387\uFF08\u5B89\u6253\u9664\u4EE5\u6253\u6578\uFF09\u7684\u8A08\u7B97\uFF0C\u7531\u65BC\u76F8\u8F03\u65BC\u6253\u5E2D\u6578\u800C\u8A00\uFF0C\u5B83\u6263\u9664\u4E86\u524D\u8FF0\u9019\u5E7E\u7A2E\u96D6\u7136\u672A\u64CA\u51FA\u5B89\u6253\uFF0C\u4F46\u4E5F\u7B97\u662F\u6210\u529F\u7684\u4E00\u6B21\u6253\u64CA\u7684\u60C5\u5F62\uFF0C\u9019\u4F7F\u5F97\u6253\u64CA\u7387\u7684\u8A08\u7B97\uFF0C\u80FD\u66F4\u6709\u6548\u5730\u53CD\u6620\u6253\u8005\u7684\u6253\u64CA\u6210\u7E3E\u3002 \u8A08\u7B97\u516C\u5F0F\u70BA\uFF1A\u6253\u6578 = \u6253\u5E2D\u6578 - \u56DB\u6B7B\u7403 - \u9AD8\u98DB\u72A7\u7272\u6253 - \u72A7\u7272\u77ED\u6253 - \u59A8\u7919\u6253\u64CA \u4F8B\u5916\uFF1A\u7576\u8A08\u7B97\u9023\u7E8C\u5B89\u6253\u6253\u6578\u6642\uFF0C\u6B64\u6642\u7684\u6253\u6578\u5C07\u5305\u542B\u9AD8\u98DB\u72A7\u7272\u6253\uFF0C\u4EA6\u5373\u6253\u8005\u5728\u64CA\u51FA\u9AD8\u98DB\u72A7\u7272\u6253\u5F8C\u5C07\u6703\u4E2D\u65B7\u9023\u7E8C\u5B89\u6253\u6253\u6578\u3002"@zh . . . . . "Im Baseball ist ein At Bat (AB) oder eine time at bat der Vorgang, bei dem ein Batter (Schlagmann) gegen einen Pitcher (Werfer) antritt, um den Ball ins Spiel zu bringen. Um diesen Vorgang offiziell als solchen erfolgreich abzuschlie\u00DFen, muss der Batter dabei entweder aufgrund eines Hits, einer Fielder's Choice oder eines Errors mindestens die erste Base erreichen. Der Vorgang gilt au\u00DFerdem als offiziell und z\u00E4hlbar abgeschlossen, wenn der Batter, ein Out hinnehmen muss, das nicht auf der Grundlage eines Sacrifice entsteht (d. h. der Schl\u00E4ger opfert sich nicht f\u00FCr einen anderen Spieler). Andere m\u00F6gliche Ausg\u00E4nge des Schlagvorgangs werden nicht als AB gez\u00E4hlt, sondern als Plate Appearance."@de . . . "In baseball, an at bat (AB) or time at bat is a batter's turn batting against a pitcher. An at bat is different from a plate appearance. A batter is credited with a plate appearance regardless of what happens during their turn at bat, but a batter is credited with an at bat only if that plate appearance does not have one of the results enumerated below. While at bats are used to calculate certain statistics, including batting average and slugging percentage, a player can qualify for the season-ending rankings in these categories only if they accumulate 502 plate appearances during the season. Batters will not receive credit for an at bat if their plate appearances end under the following circumstances: \n* They receive a base on balls (BB). \n* They are hit by a pitch (HBP). \n* They hit a sacrifice fly or a sacrifice bunt (also known as sacrifice hit). \n* They are awarded first base due to interference or obstruction, usually by the catcher. \n* They are replaced by another hitter before their at bat is completed, in which case the plate appearance and any related statistics go to the pinch hitter (unless they are replaced with two strikes and their replacement completes a strikeout, in which case the at bat and strikeout are still charged to the first batter). In addition, if the inning ends while they are still at bat (due to the third out being made by a runner caught stealing, for example), no at bat or plate appearance will result. In this case, the batter will come to bat again in the next inning, though the count will be reset to no balls and no strikes. Put shortly, an at bat is a specific type of plate appearance in which in the batter puts the ball in play intending to get on base. This is why at bats, and not plate appearances, are used to calculate batting average, as plate appearances in general can result in many outcomes that don't involve the ball being put in play, and batting average specifically measures a batter's contact hitting. Rule 9.02(a)(1) of the official rules of Major League Baseball defines an at bat as: \"Number of times batted, except that no time at bat shall be charged when a player: (A) hits a sacrifice bunt or sacrifice fly; (B) is awarded first base on four called balls; (C) is hit by a pitched ball; or (D) is awarded first base because of interference or obstruction[.]\""@en . . . . . . . . . "\u6253\u6570"@ja . . "No beisebol, uma vez ao bast\u00E3o (at bat, AB) \u00E9 usada para calcular certas estat\u00EDsticas, incluindo a m\u00E9dia de rebatidas. \u00C9 uma defini\u00E7\u00E3o mais restrita de uma . Um batedor tem uma vez ao bast\u00E3o sempre que encara um arremessador, exceto nas seguintes circunst\u00E2ncias:"@pt . "At Bat"@de . . . "\uC57C\uAD6C\uC5D0\uC11C \uD0C0\uC218(\u6253\u6578, \uC601\uC5B4: At Bat(AB) \uB610\uB294 \uC601\uC5B4: time at bat)\uB294 \uAE30\uB85D\uC73C\uB85C, \uD0C0\uC790\uAC00 \uD0C0\uC11D\uC5D0 \uB4E4\uC5B4\uC11C\uC11C \uD0C0\uACA9\uC744 \uC644\uB8CC\uD55C \uD69F\uC218\uB97C \uB9D0\uD558\uB294\uB370, \uBCFC\uB137, \uD76C\uC0DD \uBC88\uD2B8, \uD0C0\uACA9 \uBC29\uD574\uB4F1\uC740 \uD0C0\uC218\uC5D0 \uD3EC\uD568\uB418\uC9C0 \uC54A\uB294\uB2E4."@ko . . . "\u6253\u6578"@zh . . . . "In baseball, an at bat (AB) or time at bat is a batter's turn batting against a pitcher. An at bat is different from a plate appearance. A batter is credited with a plate appearance regardless of what happens during their turn at bat, but a batter is credited with an at bat only if that plate appearance does not have one of the results enumerated below. While at bats are used to calculate certain statistics, including batting average and slugging percentage, a player can qualify for the season-ending rankings in these categories only if they accumulate 502 plate appearances during the season."@en .