. . "Andrew Cogliano (born June 14, 1987) is a Canadian professional ice hockey player for the Colorado Avalanche of the National Hockey League (NHL). He formerly played for the Edmonton Oilers, Anaheim Ducks, Dallas Stars and the San Jose Sharks. On December 31, 2013, Cogliano became the 20th player in NHL history to play 500 consecutive games, and only the fifth to do so from the beginning of his NHL career. On November 4, 2017, Cogliano played in his 800th consecutive game, placing him in fourth place on the NHL's most consecutive games played list. The streak ended at 830 games on January 14, 2018, when Cogliano was suspended for two games. Cogliano won the Stanley Cup with the Avalanche in 2022."@en . . "\u042D\u043D\u0434\u0440\u044E \u041A\u043E\u0433\u043B\u0438\u0430\u043D\u043E (\u0430\u043D\u0433\u043B. Andrew Cogliano; 14 \u0438\u044E\u043D\u044F 1987, \u0422\u043E\u0440\u043E\u043D\u0442\u043E, \u041E\u043D\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0438\u043E, \u041A\u0430\u043D\u0430\u0434\u0430) \u2014 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0444\u0435\u0441\u0441\u0438\u043E\u043D\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u043A\u0430\u043D\u0430\u0434\u0441\u043A\u0438\u0439 \u0445\u043E\u043A\u043A\u0435\u0438\u0441\u0442, \u043A\u0440\u0430\u0439\u043D\u0438\u0439 \u043D\u0430\u043F\u0430\u0434\u0430\u044E\u0449\u0438\u0439 \u043A\u043B\u0443\u0431\u0430 \u041D\u0430\u0446\u0438\u043E\u043D\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u0445\u043E\u043A\u043A\u0435\u0439\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u043B\u0438\u0433\u0438 \u00AB\u041A\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0440\u0430\u0434\u043E \u042D\u0432\u0435\u043B\u0430\u043D\u0448\u00BB. \u0414\u0432\u0443\u043A\u0440\u0430\u0442\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u043F\u043E\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C \u043C\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0434\u0451\u0436\u043D\u043E\u0433\u043E \u0447\u0435\u043C\u043F\u0438\u043E\u043D\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u043C\u0438\u0440\u0430 (2006, 2007) \u0432 \u0441\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0435 \u0441\u0431\u043E\u0440\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u041A\u0430\u043D\u0430\u0434\u044B. \u041E\u0431\u043B\u0430\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C \u041A\u0443\u0431\u043A\u0430 \u0421\u0442\u044D\u043D\u043B\u0438 2022 \u0433\u043E\u0434\u0430."@ru . "Andrew Cogliano (* 14. Juni 1987 in Toronto, Ontario) ist ein kanadischer Eishockeyspieler italienischer Abstammung, der seit M\u00E4rz 2022 bei der Colorado Avalanche in der National Hockey League unter Vertrag steht. Mit dem Team gewann der Center in den Playoffs 2022 den Stanley Cup. Von Oktober 2007 bis Januar 2018 verpasste er im Trikot der Edmonton Oilers und Anaheim Ducks keines von 830 NHL-Spielen und erreichte damit die viertl\u00E4ngste Serie dieser Art in der Ligahistorie."@de . . . . . "25"^^ . . . . . . "\u0415\u043D\u0434\u0440\u044E \u041A\u043E\u043B\u044C\u044F\u043D\u043E"@uk . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u042D\u043D\u0434\u0440\u044E \u041A\u043E\u0433\u043B\u0438\u0430\u043D\u043E (\u0430\u043D\u0433\u043B. Andrew Cogliano; 14 \u0438\u044E\u043D\u044F 1987, \u0422\u043E\u0440\u043E\u043D\u0442\u043E, \u041E\u043D\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0438\u043E, \u041A\u0430\u043D\u0430\u0434\u0430) \u2014 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0444\u0435\u0441\u0441\u0438\u043E\u043D\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u043A\u0430\u043D\u0430\u0434\u0441\u043A\u0438\u0439 \u0445\u043E\u043A\u043A\u0435\u0438\u0441\u0442, \u043A\u0440\u0430\u0439\u043D\u0438\u0439 \u043D\u0430\u043F\u0430\u0434\u0430\u044E\u0449\u0438\u0439 \u043A\u043B\u0443\u0431\u0430 \u041D\u0430\u0446\u0438\u043E\u043D\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u0445\u043E\u043A\u043A\u0435\u0439\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u043B\u0438\u0433\u0438 \u00AB\u041A\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0440\u0430\u0434\u043E \u042D\u0432\u0435\u043B\u0430\u043D\u0448\u00BB. \u0414\u0432\u0443\u043A\u0440\u0430\u0442\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u043F\u043E\u0431\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C \u043C\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0434\u0451\u0436\u043D\u043E\u0433\u043E \u0447\u0435\u043C\u043F\u0438\u043E\u043D\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u043C\u0438\u0440\u0430 (2006, 2007) \u0432 \u0441\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0435 \u0441\u0431\u043E\u0440\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u041A\u0430\u043D\u0430\u0434\u044B. \u041E\u0431\u043B\u0430\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C \u041A\u0443\u0431\u043A\u0430 \u0421\u0442\u044D\u043D\u043B\u0438 2022 \u0433\u043E\u0434\u0430."@ru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Andrew Cogliano"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1.778"^^ . "1114096927"^^ . . . . . . . "175"^^ . . "29351"^^ . "Andrew Cogliano"@sv . . "Andrew Cogliano"@de . . . . . "Left"@en . "Andrew Cogliano (Toronto, 14 giugno 1987) \u00E8 un hockeista su ghiaccio canadese che gioca come attaccante nella National Hockey League con gli Anaheim Ducks. In precedenza ha militato negli Edmonton Oilers."@it . . "\u041A\u043E\u0433\u043B\u0438\u0430\u043D\u043E, \u042D\u043D\u0434\u0440\u044E"@ru . . . . . . "Andrew Cogliano (n\u00E9 le 14 juin 1987 \u00E0 Toronto, dans la province de l'Ontario au Canada) est un joueur professionnel canadien de hockey sur glace."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . "25th overall" . . "Cogliano with the Anaheim Ducks in 2012"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Andrew Cogliano, f\u00F6dd 14 juni 1987, \u00E4r en kanadensisk professionell ishockeyspelare som spelar f\u00F6r Colorado Avalanche i National Hockey League (NHL). Han har tidigare spelat f\u00F6r Edmonton Oilers, Anaheim Ducks, Dallas Stars och San Jose Sharks. 31 december 2013 blev Cogliano den 20:e spelaren i NHL att spela 500 matcher i f\u00F6ljd och endast den femte att g\u00F6ra det fr\u00E5n b\u00F6rjan av sin NHL-karri\u00E4r. 4 november 2017 spelade han sin 800:e match i f\u00F6ljd vilket placerade honom som fyra p\u00E5 listan \u00F6ver spelare som spelat 500 matcher och fler i f\u00F6ljd. Hans streak slutade p\u00E5 830 matcher den 14 januari 2018 n\u00E4r Cogliano blev avst\u00E4ngd i tv\u00E5 matcher. Cogliano vann Stanley Cup med Avalanche 2022."@sv . . . . . "Andrew Cogliano (ur. 14 czerwca 1987 w Toronto, Kanada) \u2013 hokeista kanadyjski, gracz ligi NHL, reprezentant Kanady. Od debiutu 4 pa\u017Adziernika 2007 do 13 stycznia 2018 rozegra\u0142 830 kolejnych mecz\u00F3w sezonu zasadniczego. Seria zosta\u0142a przerwana kar\u0105 odsuni\u0119cia od gry w dw\u00F3ch spotkaniach. Daje mu to obecnie czwarte miejsce w tej klasyfikacji w historii ligi NHL."@pl . "Andrew Cogliano"@fr . . . . . . . . "Left" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Andrew Cogliano"@en . . . . . "Toronto, Ontario, Canada"@en . "Andrew Cogliano"@en . "\u0415\u043D\u0434\u0440\u044E \u041A\u043E\u043B\u044C\u044F\u043D\u043E (\u0430\u043D\u0433\u043B. Andrew Cogliano, \u043D\u0430\u0440. 14 \u0447\u0435\u0440\u0432\u043D\u044F 1987, \u0422\u043E\u0440\u043E\u043D\u0442\u043E) \u2014 \u043A\u0430\u043D\u0430\u0434\u0441\u044C\u043A\u0438\u0439 \u0445\u043E\u043A\u0435\u0457\u0441\u0442, \u043A\u0440\u0430\u0439\u043D\u0456\u0439 \u043D\u0430\u043F\u0430\u0434\u043D\u0438\u043A \u043A\u043B\u0443\u0431\u0443 \u041D\u0425\u041B \u00AB\u0414\u0430\u043B\u043B\u0430\u0441 \u0421\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0441\u00BB."@uk . . . . "79.38"^^ . "Andrew Cogliano (ur. 14 czerwca 1987 w Toronto, Kanada) \u2013 hokeista kanadyjski, gracz ligi NHL, reprezentant Kanady. Od debiutu 4 pa\u017Adziernika 2007 do 13 stycznia 2018 rozegra\u0142 830 kolejnych mecz\u00F3w sezonu zasadniczego. Seria zosta\u0142a przerwana kar\u0105 odsuni\u0119cia od gry w dw\u00F3ch spotkaniach. Daje mu to obecnie czwarte miejsce w tej klasyfikacji w historii ligi NHL."@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . "79380.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Andrew Cogliano"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2007"^^ . . . . "Andrew Cogliano, f\u00F6dd 14 juni 1987, \u00E4r en kanadensisk professionell ishockeyspelare som spelar f\u00F6r Colorado Avalanche i National Hockey League (NHL). Han har tidigare spelat f\u00F6r Edmonton Oilers, Anaheim Ducks, Dallas Stars och San Jose Sharks. 31 december 2013 blev Cogliano den 20:e spelaren i NHL att spela 500 matcher i f\u00F6ljd och endast den femte att g\u00F6ra det fr\u00E5n b\u00F6rjan av sin NHL-karri\u00E4r. 4 november 2017 spelade han sin 800:e match i f\u00F6ljd vilket placerade honom som fyra p\u00E5 listan \u00F6ver spelare som spelat 500 matcher och fler i f\u00F6ljd. Hans streak slutade p\u00E5 830 matcher den 14 januari 2018 n\u00E4r Cogliano blev avst\u00E4ngd i tv\u00E5 matcher. Cogliano vann Stanley Cup med Avalanche 2022."@sv . . . . . "Andrew Cogliano (Toronto, 14 giugno 1987) \u00E8 un hockeista su ghiaccio canadese che gioca come attaccante nella National Hockey League con gli Anaheim Ducks. In precedenza ha militato negli Edmonton Oilers."@it . "3685503"^^ . "Andrew Cogliano (n\u00E9 le 14 juin 1987 \u00E0 Toronto, dans la province de l'Ontario au Canada) est un joueur professionnel canadien de hockey sur glace."@fr . . . "10"^^ . . "1987-06-14"^^ . . "230"^^ . "5"^^ . . . . . . . . "2005"^^ . "Andrew Cogliano (* 14. Juni 1987 in Toronto, Ontario) ist ein kanadischer Eishockeyspieler italienischer Abstammung, der seit M\u00E4rz 2022 bei der Colorado Avalanche in der National Hockey League unter Vertrag steht. Mit dem Team gewann der Center in den Playoffs 2022 den Stanley Cup. Von Oktober 2007 bis Januar 2018 verpasste er im Trikot der Edmonton Oilers und Anaheim Ducks keines von 830 NHL-Spielen und erreichte damit die viertl\u00E4ngste Serie dieser Art in der Ligahistorie."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Andrew Cogliano (born June 14, 1987) is a Canadian professional ice hockey player for the Colorado Avalanche of the National Hockey League (NHL). He formerly played for the Edmonton Oilers, Anaheim Ducks, Dallas Stars and the San Jose Sharks. On December 31, 2013, Cogliano became the 20th player in NHL history to play 500 consecutive games, and only the fifth to do so from the beginning of his NHL career. On November 4, 2017, Cogliano played in his 800th consecutive game, placing him in fourth place on the NHL's most consecutive games played list. The streak ended at 830 games on January 14, 2018, when Cogliano was suspended for two games. Cogliano won the Stanley Cup with the Avalanche in 2022."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "2005"^^ . . . . . . "1987-06-14"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "2007"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u0415\u043D\u0434\u0440\u044E \u041A\u043E\u043B\u044C\u044F\u043D\u043E (\u0430\u043D\u0433\u043B. Andrew Cogliano, \u043D\u0430\u0440. 14 \u0447\u0435\u0440\u0432\u043D\u044F 1987, \u0422\u043E\u0440\u043E\u043D\u0442\u043E) \u2014 \u043A\u0430\u043D\u0430\u0434\u0441\u044C\u043A\u0438\u0439 \u0445\u043E\u043A\u0435\u0457\u0441\u0442, \u043A\u0440\u0430\u0439\u043D\u0456\u0439 \u043D\u0430\u043F\u0430\u0434\u043D\u0438\u043A \u043A\u043B\u0443\u0431\u0443 \u041D\u0425\u041B \u00AB\u0414\u0430\u043B\u043B\u0430\u0441 \u0421\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0441\u00BB."@uk . . . . . . "2005"^^ . . . . . . . .