. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "February 2021"@en . . . . . . . . . "1972"^^ . . . . . "RV1972.png"@en . "Nominees"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "yes"@en . . . "Republican National Conventions"@en . . "Nixon and Agnew"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "InternetArchiveBot"@en . . . . . "1121381132"^^ . . . . . "125"^^ . . . . "1968"^^ . . . . . . . . . "12925"^^ . . . . . "1976"^^ . . . . . . "The 1972 Republican National Convention was held from August 21 to August 23, 1972 at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, Florida. It nominated President Richard M. Nixon and Vice President Spiro T. Agnew for reelection. The convention was chaired by House minority leader and future Nixon successor Gerald Ford of Michigan. It was the fifth time that Nixon had been nominated on the Republican ticket for vice president (1952 and 1956) or president (1960 and 1968). Nixon's five appearances on his party's ticket matched the major-party American standard of Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Democrat who had been nominated for vice president once (in 1920) and president four times (in 1932, 1936, 1940 and 1944)."@en . . . . . "Republican"@en . . "1968"^^ . . . . . "La convention nationale r\u00E9publicaine de 1972 a eu lieu du 21 ao\u00FBt au 23 ao\u00FBt 1972 au \u00E0 Miami Beach, en Floride. Elle a d\u00E9sign\u00E9, pour l'\u00E9lection pr\u00E9sidentielle am\u00E9ricaine de 1972, Richard Nixon pour la pr\u00E9sidence et Spiro Agnew pour la vice-pr\u00E9sidence. La convention a \u00E9t\u00E9 pr\u00E9sid\u00E9e par Gerald Ford, qui succ\u00E8dera \u00E0 Nixon apr\u00E8s sa victoire aux \u00E9lections et sa d\u00E9mission \u00E0 la suite du scandale du Watergate."@fr . . . . . . . . "2769398"^^ . . . . . . . . "1976"^^ . . . "--08-21"^^ . . . . . . "Convention nationale r\u00E9publicaine de 1972"@fr . "The 1972 Republican National Convention was held from August 21 to August 23, 1972 at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, Florida. It nominated President Richard M. Nixon and Vice President Spiro T. Agnew for reelection. The convention was chaired by House minority leader and future Nixon successor Gerald Ford of Michigan. It was the fifth time that Nixon had been nominated on the Republican ticket for vice president (1952 and 1956) or president (1960 and 1968). Nixon's five appearances on his party's ticket matched the major-party American standard of Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Democrat who had been nominated for vice president once (in 1920) and president four times (in 1932, 1936, 1940 and 1944)."@en . . . "1972 Republican National Convention"@en . . . . . . . . "La convention nationale r\u00E9publicaine de 1972 a eu lieu du 21 ao\u00FBt au 23 ao\u00FBt 1972 au \u00E0 Miami Beach, en Floride. Elle a d\u00E9sign\u00E9, pour l'\u00E9lection pr\u00E9sidentielle am\u00E9ricaine de 1972, Richard Nixon pour la pr\u00E9sidence et Spiro Agnew pour la vice-pr\u00E9sidence. La convention a \u00E9t\u00E9 pr\u00E9sid\u00E9e par Gerald Ford, qui succ\u00E8dera \u00E0 Nixon apr\u00E8s sa victoire aux \u00E9lections et sa d\u00E9mission \u00E0 la suite du scandale du Watergate. C'\u00E9tait la cinqui\u00E8me fois que Nixon avait \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9sign\u00E9 par le parti r\u00E9publicain comme pr\u00E9sident ou vice-pr\u00E9sident, faisant de Nixon le pendant de Franklin Delano Roosevelt, \u00E9galement nomm\u00E9 \u00E0 cinq reprises c\u00F4t\u00E9 d\u00E9mocrate."@fr . . . . . . . .