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Running Mate Running mate Running mate Running mate Running mate Running mate
Um running mate é um termo em inglês que designa uma pessoa que concorre para um cargo político subordinado a outro numa eleição conjunta. Usa-se frequentemente como referência ao modo de eleição do vice-presidente dos Estados Unidos da América, em que este é escolhido pelo candidato presidencial. Als Running Mate (deutsch wörtlich Laufpartner) wird in den Vereinigten Staaten und anderen englischsprachigen Ländern eine Person bezeichnet, die als Mitkandidat für ein Stellvertreteramt bei einer Wahl für ein hohes Staatsamt an der Seite des eigentlichen Kandidaten kandidiert. Der Begriff wird in erster Linie für den Kandidaten für das Amt des Vizepräsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten verwendet, der als Running Mate des Präsidentschaftskandidaten bezeichnet wird. Auf der Ebene der Bundesstaaten wird auch ein Anwärter für das Amt des Vizegouverneurs häufig Running Mate genannt. Voraussetzung dafür ist allerdings, dass Gouverneur und Vizegouverneur gemeinsam gewählt werden und nicht unabhängig voneinander, wie es manche Staaten praktizieren. Running mate is in de Verenigde Staten de aanduiding voor de kandidaat voor een tweede positie, bijvoorbeeld vicepresident, luitenant-gouverneur of viceburgemeester. Vooral de running mates van presidenten en presidentskandidaten (die dus kandidaat zijn voor vicepresident van de Verenigde Staten) trekken veel aandacht. De running mate van voormalig president George W. Bush was tweemaal Dick Cheney. Die van zijn voorganger Bill Clinton ook tweemaal Al Gore. Beiden zijn na de gewonnen presidentsverkiezingen vicepresident geworden. Meestal wordt de vicepresident niet vervangen bij de daaropvolgende verkiezingen, zelfs als ze geen stemmentrekkers blijken te zijn (zoals in het geval van Dan Quayle, tweemaal de running mate van George H.W. Bush). Running mate negli Stati Uniti è la designazione per il candidato per una seconda posizione, ad esempio vicepresidente, vicegovernatore o vicesindaco. I running mate soprattutto dei presidenti e dei candidati presidenziali (che sono candidati vicepresidenti degli Stati Uniti) attirano molta attenzione. Il vicepresidente sotto l'ex presidente George W. Bush Dick Cheney ha ricoperto due volte la carica. Anche sotto Bill Clinton Al Gore ha detenuto due volte la vicepresidenza. Entrambi sono diventati vicepresidenti dopo aver vinto le elezioni presidenziali. Di solito, il vicepresidente non viene sostituito alle successive elezioni, anche se non risulta essere eletto (come nel caso di Dan Quayle, due volte vicepresidente di George H. W. Bush). Running mate eller medkandidat är en beteckning (särskilt vanlig i USA och presidentialistiska stater) för den som delar en annan kandidats valsedel, som ett kollektiv. Det mest uppenbara exemplet är inför en kandidatur till president- och vicepresidentposten, där de båda kandidaterna (eller, som i USA, deras elektorer) väljs tillsammans. A running mate is a person running together with another person on a joint ticket during an election. The term is most often used in reference to the person in the subordinate position (such as the vice presidential candidate running with a presidential candidate) but can also properly be used when referring to both candidates, such as by saying Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto, were running mates in relation to the presidential elections held in the United States in 2020 and Kenya in 2013 respectively.
dbc:Election_campaigns dbc:Presidential_elections_in_the_United_States
dbr:Walter_Mondale dbr:Republic_of_Ireland dbr:2016_Bulgarian_presidential_election dbr:Kenya dbr:De_facto dbr:Abraham_Lincoln dbr:Workers'_Party_(Brazil) dbr:Legislative_Yuan dbr:Dáil_constituencies dbr:Parliamentary_System dbr:Brazilian_military_junta_of_1969 dbr:Christianity dbr:2010_Brazilian_general_election dbr:Rumen_Radev dbr:Joe_Biden dbr:De_jure dbr:Nigeria dbr:United_States_Electoral_College dbr:Vice_President_of_Russia dbr:1994_Malawian_general_election dbr:William_Ruto dbr:American_Civil_War dbr:Tsetska_Tsacheva dbr:Subordinate dbr:Person dbr:Venezuela dbr:Botswana dbr:Andrew_Johnson dbr:Twelfth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution dbr:1989_Brazilian_presidential_election dbr:Indirect_election dbr:Kamala_Harris dbr:Dilma_Rousseff dbr:Islam dbr:President_(government_title) dbr:Vice_President dbr:Brazilian_Democratic_Movement dbr:Election dbr:Ticket_(election) dbr:Dáil_Éireann dbr:Cyprus dbr:2014_Brazilian_general_election dbr:Geraldine_Ferraro dbr:South_Carolina dbr:1996_Taiwanese_presidential_election dbc:Election_campaigns dbr:Sinecure dbr:Uhuru_Kenyatta dbr:Balancing_the_ticket dbc:Presidential_elections_in_the_United_States dbr:National_Union_Party_(United_States) dbr:Two-round_voting dbr:2004_Philippine_presidential_election dbr:Electoral_college_(United_States) dbr:2004_Palauan_constitutional_referendum dbr:Michel_Temer dbr:1864_United_States_presidential_election dbr:2004_Indonesian_presidential_election dbr:William_Cocke dbr:2008_Palauan_general_election
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Um running mate é um termo em inglês que designa uma pessoa que concorre para um cargo político subordinado a outro numa eleição conjunta. Usa-se frequentemente como referência ao modo de eleição do vice-presidente dos Estados Unidos da América, em que este é escolhido pelo candidato presidencial. Als Running Mate (deutsch wörtlich Laufpartner) wird in den Vereinigten Staaten und anderen englischsprachigen Ländern eine Person bezeichnet, die als Mitkandidat für ein Stellvertreteramt bei einer Wahl für ein hohes Staatsamt an der Seite des eigentlichen Kandidaten kandidiert. Der Begriff wird in erster Linie für den Kandidaten für das Amt des Vizepräsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten verwendet, der als Running Mate des Präsidentschaftskandidaten bezeichnet wird. Auf der Ebene der Bundesstaaten wird auch ein Anwärter für das Amt des Vizegouverneurs häufig Running Mate genannt. Voraussetzung dafür ist allerdings, dass Gouverneur und Vizegouverneur gemeinsam gewählt werden und nicht unabhängig voneinander, wie es manche Staaten praktizieren. Running mate eller medkandidat är en beteckning (särskilt vanlig i USA och presidentialistiska stater) för den som delar en annan kandidats valsedel, som ett kollektiv. Det mest uppenbara exemplet är inför en kandidatur till president- och vicepresidentposten, där de båda kandidaterna (eller, som i USA, deras elektorer) väljs tillsammans. På delstatsnivå förekommer olika system, men i bland annat Kalifornien och New York ställer kandidater till guvernörs- och viceguvernörsposten upp på en gemensam "ticket" (valsedel), det vill säga som running mates. I till exempel Texas och Vermont väljs däremot guvernör och viceguvernör separat, vilket kan (som var fallet under större delen av George W. Bushs guvernörstid i Texas och i Vermont sedan januari 2011) resultera i att de segrande kandidaterna tillhör olika partier, så kallad . Trots detta kan de två kandidaterna från samma parti betecknas som running mates, även om de båda inte nödvändigtvis väljs. Running mate negli Stati Uniti è la designazione per il candidato per una seconda posizione, ad esempio vicepresidente, vicegovernatore o vicesindaco. I running mate soprattutto dei presidenti e dei candidati presidenziali (che sono candidati vicepresidenti degli Stati Uniti) attirano molta attenzione. Il vicepresidente sotto l'ex presidente George W. Bush Dick Cheney ha ricoperto due volte la carica. Anche sotto Bill Clinton Al Gore ha detenuto due volte la vicepresidenza. Entrambi sono diventati vicepresidenti dopo aver vinto le elezioni presidenziali. Di solito, il vicepresidente non viene sostituito alle successive elezioni, anche se non risulta essere eletto (come nel caso di Dan Quayle, due volte vicepresidente di George H. W. Bush). Non è mai successo che il running mate sia un ex presidente. Dato che il vicepresidente è il primo successore diretto del presidente, non è chiaro se un ex presidente rieletto possa essere eletto vicepresidente poiché il ventiduesimo emendamento alla costituzione degli Stati Uniti vieta ai presidenti di servire più di due mandati. Running mate is in de Verenigde Staten de aanduiding voor de kandidaat voor een tweede positie, bijvoorbeeld vicepresident, luitenant-gouverneur of viceburgemeester. Vooral de running mates van presidenten en presidentskandidaten (die dus kandidaat zijn voor vicepresident van de Verenigde Staten) trekken veel aandacht. De running mate van voormalig president George W. Bush was tweemaal Dick Cheney. Die van zijn voorganger Bill Clinton ook tweemaal Al Gore. Beiden zijn na de gewonnen presidentsverkiezingen vicepresident geworden. Meestal wordt de vicepresident niet vervangen bij de daaropvolgende verkiezingen, zelfs als ze geen stemmentrekkers blijken te zijn (zoals in het geval van Dan Quayle, tweemaal de running mate van George H.W. Bush). Het is nog nooit gebeurd dat de running mate een voormalig president is. Gezien de vicepresident de eerste, rechtstreekse opvolger is van de president, is het niet duidelijk of een voormalig president die werd herverkozen überhaupt wel in aanmerking komt voor het vicepresidentschap omdat het verbiedt dat presidenten meer dan twee termijnen aan de macht zijn. A running mate is a person running together with another person on a joint ticket during an election. The term is most often used in reference to the person in the subordinate position (such as the vice presidential candidate running with a presidential candidate) but can also properly be used when referring to both candidates, such as by saying Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto, were running mates in relation to the presidential elections held in the United States in 2020 and Kenya in 2013 respectively. Running mates may be chosen, by custom or by law, to balance the ticket geographically, ideologically, or personally; examples of such a custom for each of the criteria are, geographically, in Nigerian presidential elections, in which a presidential candidate from the predominantly Christian south is typically matched with a vice presidential candidate from the predominantly Muslim north, and vice versa, ideologically, the Brazilian general elections in 2010 and 2014, where Dilma Rousseff of the left-wing Workers' Party ran alongside Michel Temer of the center-right Brazilian Democratic Movement Party, and, personally, the 2016 Bulgarian presidential election, in which both candidates who went on to the second round of voting, Rumen Radev and Tsetska Tsacheva, had running mates of the opposite gender. The objective is to create a more widespread appeal for the ticket and the results can range from assisting the resulting pair of candidates in appealing to a larger base of people to deterring voters who were initially inclined to vote for the running candidate, but may have been put off by the choice of the running mate. The term is usually used in countries in which the offices of President and Vice President are both directly elected on the same ticket, in reference to a prospective Vice President. However, there are countries, such as the Philippines and (nominally) Cyprus, in which the President and Vice-President are elected on separate tickets, and frequently, this results in them being from different political parties - indeed, when the Philippine Vice-Presidential position was restored in 1987, only once were the President and Vice-President elected from the same ticket, in 2004. Further, in other countries, such as Botswana and Venezuela, the Vice-President is legally appointed by the President in all cases (unlike, for instance, the United States, in which the President appoints a Vice-President only in case of a vacancy, or Taiwan, in which the President nominates candidates for Vice-President in case of a vacancy and the Legislative Council elects one of them to fill the vacancy). In cases of both separate elections and appointments, the President and Vice-President are not considered running mates because they are not elected on the same ticket.