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Vincent Jen Chin (Chinese: 陳果仁; May 18, 1955 – June 23, 1982) was an American draftsman of Chinese descent who was killed in a racially motivated assault by two white men, Chrysler plant supervisor Ronald Ebens and his stepson, laid-off autoworker Michael Nitz. Ebens and Nitz assailed Chin following a brawl that took place at a strip club in Highland Park, Michigan, where Chin had been celebrating his bachelor party with friends in advance of his upcoming wedding. Against the backdrop of high anti-Japanese sentiment in the United States at the time – known as "Japan bashing" – they had assumed that Chin was Japanese and witnesses described them using anti-Asian racial slurs as they attacked him, ultimately beating him to death. Ebens and Nitz blamed Chin for the success of Japan's automoti

Property Value
  • Vincent Chin (Guangdong, 18 de maig de 1955 - Highland Park, 23 de juny de 1982) va ser dibuixant xinès-americà que va ser apallissat per dos homes blancs, fins a la mort, el supervisor de la planta de Chrysler Ronald Ebens i el seu fillastre, treballador d'automotriu acomiadat, Michael Nitz. Eben i Nitz van atacar Chin després d'una baralla que va tenir lloc en un club de striptease a Highland Park, Michigan, on Chin havia estat celebrant el seu comiat de solter amb amics abans del seu proper casament. Aparentment, van suposar que Chin era d'origen japonès, i se suposa que van utilitzar insults racials quan el van atacar. Ebens i Nitz el van culpar de l'èxit de la indústria automobilística japonesa, malgrat que Chin era d'origen xinès. En aquella època, Metro Detroit era un polvorí d'animositat racial cap als asiàtics-americans, específicament com a penetració de les importacions japoneses d'automoció a la indústria automotriu dels Estats Units que va accelerar el declivi dels tres grans de Detroit. Els treballadors ressentits van culpar dels darrers acomiadaments a la competència japonesa. Chin va ser traslladat a l'Hospital Henry Ford de Detroit, on una infermera va dir al seu amic de la infància que "no té cap oportunitat" i que "el seu cervell estava mort". Va morir de les ferides quatre dies després. Eben i Nitz van ser acusats d'homicidi de segon grau, però van negociar els càrrecs fins a homicidi i es van declarar culpables el 1983. Se’ls va condemnar a pagar 3.000 dòlars i complir tres anys de condicional, sense presó. Tot i que Ebens i Nitz mai van negar la baralla, van afirmar que la baralla no era per raons racials i van dir que no feien servir epítets racials. La sentència indulgent va donar lloc a una protesta dels vocals d'origen asiàtic-americans. El president del Consell de Benestar Xinès de Detroit va dir que equivalia a una "llicència de 3.000 dòlars per matar" els xinesos americans. Com a resultat, el cas s'ha vist com un punt d'inflexió crític per a un compromís amb els drets civils asiàtics-americans i un crit per a una legislació federal més forta sobre els crims d'odi. (ca)
  • Vincent Jen Chin (Chinese: 陳果仁; May 18, 1955 – June 23, 1982) was an American draftsman of Chinese descent who was killed in a racially motivated assault by two white men, Chrysler plant supervisor Ronald Ebens and his stepson, laid-off autoworker Michael Nitz. Ebens and Nitz assailed Chin following a brawl that took place at a strip club in Highland Park, Michigan, where Chin had been celebrating his bachelor party with friends in advance of his upcoming wedding. Against the backdrop of high anti-Japanese sentiment in the United States at the time – known as "Japan bashing" – they had assumed that Chin was Japanese and witnesses described them using anti-Asian racial slurs as they attacked him, ultimately beating him to death. Ebens and Nitz blamed Chin for the success of Japan's automotive industry in the country. Although accounts vary, the men got into a physical altercation and were removed from the club as a result. Ebens and Nitz eventually found Chin in front of a Highland Park McDonald’s. There, Nitz held Chin down while Ebens repeatedly bashed him in the head with a baseball bat. Chin was taken to Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, where he died of his injuries four days later. At the time, Metro Detroit was a powder keg of racial animosity toward Asian Americans, specifically as the penetration of Japanese automotive imports in the U.S. domestic market that hastened the decline of Detroit's "Big Three". Resentful workers laid the blame for recent layoffs on Japanese competition. Ebens and Nitz pleaded guilty to manslaughter in 1983, in a plea bargain from an initial charge of second-degree murder. While Ebens and Nitz never denied the brawl, they claimed the fight was not racially motivated and said they did not use racial epithets. Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Charles Kaufman sentenced Ebens and Nitz to only three years' probation and a $3,000 fine plus costs but with no jail time. Judge Kaufman's rationale for his leniency was that it was Chin who initiated the physical altercation, Ebens and Nitz had no prior convictions, Chin survived for four days on life support, and the prosecutor failed to argue for a more severe sentence. Judge Kaufman further states that Ebens and Nitz "weren't the kind of men you send to jail [...] You don't make the punishment fit the crime; you make the punishment fit the criminal." The lenient sentence led to an uproar from Asian Americans. The president of the Detroit Chinese Welfare Council said it amounted to a "$3,000 license to kill" Chinese Americans. As a result, the case has since been viewed as a critical turning point for Asian American civil rights engagement and a rallying cry for stronger federal hate crime legislation. (en)
  • Vincent Jen Chin (陳果仁 in cinese; Chén Guǒrén in pinyin) fu un progettista cinese-americano nato nella provincia di Guangdong, Cina il 18 maggio 1955 e brutalmente ucciso nel 1982 da due uomini bianchi, (supervisore di un impianto della Chrysler) e il figliastro Michael Nitz. Ebens e Nitz aggredirono Chin a seguito di una rissa avvenuta in uno strip club di Highland Park (Michigan), dove Chin aveva festeggiato il suo addio al celibato con gli amici prima dell'imminente matrimonio. I due uomini scambiarono Chin per un immigrato di origine giapponese e si presume che abbiano rivolto contro di lui degli insulti razzisti mentre lo assalivano. Secondo Ebens e Nitz, Chin e i suoi "connazionali" giapponesi erano responsabili dell'insuccesso dell'industria automobilistica statunitense a scapito di quella giapponese. A quel tempo, l'area metropolitana di Detroit assistette a numerosi episodi di discriminazione nei confronti degli asioamericani (Asian Americans in inglese), dal momento che la notevole importazione di automobili giapponesi nel mercato interno degli USA era parzialmente responsabile del declino delle tre principali case automobilistiche statunitensi (spesso indicate come Big Three). In sostanza, il crescente numero di lavoratori americani licenziati mostrava risentimento nei confronti dei colleghi asiatici. Chin fu portato d'urgenza all'Henry Ford Hospital di Detroit, dove un'infermiera spiegò ad un amico d'infanzia di Chin che la vittima non aveva speranza e che ormai il suo cervello era già morto, tant'è che il decesso di Chin fu dichiarato quattro giorni dopo. Ebens e Nitz furono accusati di omicidio di secondo grado. Ciononostante riuscirono a contrattare fino ad ottenere l'accusa di omicidio colposo, per la quale si dichiararono colpevoli nel 1983. Furono condannati a pagare una multa di 3000 $, scontando tre anni di libertà vigilata, senza però incarcerazione. Ebens e Nitz non negarono mai di aver ingaggiato una rissa, ma affermarono più volte che la lotta non fu motivata da questioni razziali e che loro stessi non avrebbero rivolto alcuna offesa discriminatoria nei confronti di Chin. La condanna fu ritenuta troppo indulgente e scatenò proteste da parte degli asioamericani in tutta la nazione. Il presidente del Detroit Chinese Welfare Council si disse stupefatto che la vita di un uomo cinese-americano valesse "appena tremila dollari". Col tempo, il caso è divenuto un punto di svolta simbolico per l'impegno per i diritti civili degli asioamericani nonché un momento critico per gli attivisti che chiedono legislazioni federali più ferree contro i crimini d'odio. (it)
  • ビンセント・チン(Vincent Chin, 簡体字:陈果仁, 繁体字:陳果仁, 1955年5月18日 - 1982年6月23日)は、アメリカ合衆国の中国系アメリカ人技術者。日米貿易摩擦(日米自動車摩擦)が激化した1982年に三人の白人に日本人と間違えられて撲殺されたことで知られ、加害者は懲役の執行猶予で服役することはなかった刑の軽さと(見当違いの)人種差別による殺人が大きな社会問題となってアジア系アメリカ人が権利を主張する契機となった。 (ja)
  • Vincent Jen Chin (chiń. upr. 陳果仁; chiń. trad. 陈果仁; pinyin Chén Guǒrén; ur. 18 maja 1955 w Guangdong, zm. 23 czerwca 1982 w Detroit) – Amerykanin chińskiego pochodzenia, który w czerwcu 1982 roku został pobity ze skutkiem śmiertelnym na terenie miasta Highland Park („enklawy” Detroit), w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Pobicie doprowadziło do śmierci ofiary w ciągu czterech dni. (pl)
  • 陈果仁(英語:Vincent Jen Chin,1955年5月18日-1982年6月19日)是美国一名美籍华裔制图员,被克莱斯勒工厂主管和他的继子、失业工人迈克尔·尼兹(Michael Nitz)两名白人殴打致死。 在密歇根州的一家脱衣舞俱乐部内发生争执后,埃本斯与尼兹袭击了陈果仁。当时,陈果仁正和他的朋友正在那里举行以庆祝他即将到来的婚礼。埃本斯和尼兹声称他们袭击陈果仁是因为他的日本血统,而据在场人证实,埃本斯和尼兹在殴打的过程中使用了种族歧视词语。尽管事后证明陈果仁是华裔,但是埃本斯和尼兹却将他们的作案动机归咎于日本汽车工业的成功。当时的是全美对亚裔最为仇恨的种族主义火药桶,特别是日本汽车工业在美国国内对本土汽车行业造成冲击并导致加剧衰落,因此失业的汽车工人将他们对亚裔的怨恨归因于日本的竞争。 陈果仁被他的友人送至底特律的救治。在那里,一名护士告诉也是其童年伙伴的陈果仁友人,表示“他(陈果仁)没有机会了”,“他的大脑已经死亡了”。四天后,陈果仁因伤重宣告不治。 罗纳德·埃本斯和迈克尔·尼兹被以二级谋杀罪起诉,但在1983年其诉状被降格为并以此达成认罪协议。他们被各判罚3000美金及三年缓刑,实际上并没有监禁。尽管埃本斯和尼兹并没有否认针对陈果仁的斗殴,但是他们否认这是出于种族主义动机并拒绝承认他们使用了种族仇恨的标语。 过于宽松的判决引发了亚裔美国人的抗议。底特律华人福利理事会(Detroit Chinese Welfare Council)主席说,这相当于“3000美元的猎杀美籍华裔许可证”。随着抗议声浪的扩大,结果此案被视为的关键转折点,同时这也成为美国社会呼吁联邦加强的助力。 (zh)
  • 271059 (xsd:integer)
  • 33655 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1118456797 (xsd:integer)
  • Vincent Chin (en)
  • 1982-06-19 (xsd:date)
  • 2002-08-23 (xsd:date)
  • 2007-08-09 (xsd:date)
  • Can4 Gwo2 Jan4 (en)
  • Ebens ordered to pay $1.5 million to Chin's family, Nitz ordered to pay $50,000 (en)
  • Highland Park, Michigan, U.S. (en)
  • Resentment over unemployment in auto industry, blamed on Japanese imports, Anti-Asian racism (en)
  • ts (en)
  • Chén Guǒrén (en)
  • 陈果仁 (en)
  • 陳果仁 (en)
  • Killing of Vincent Chin (en)
  • Partial transcripts from Who Killed Vincent Chin? (en)
  • Vincent Jen Chin (en)
  • (en)
  • Homicide by bludgeoning, manslaughter, hate crime (en)
  • State charges: (en)
  • Federal charges: (en)
  • Ebens guilty of one count of violation of civil rights, but verdict overturned (en)
  • Nitz not guilty of violation of civil rights (en)
  • Pleaded guilty to manslaughter (en)
  • Vincent Jen Chin (en)
  • Chàhn Gwó-yàhn (en)
  • ビンセント・チン(Vincent Chin, 簡体字:陈果仁, 繁体字:陳果仁, 1955年5月18日 - 1982年6月23日)は、アメリカ合衆国の中国系アメリカ人技術者。日米貿易摩擦(日米自動車摩擦)が激化した1982年に三人の白人に日本人と間違えられて撲殺されたことで知られ、加害者は懲役の執行猶予で服役することはなかった刑の軽さと(見当違いの)人種差別による殺人が大きな社会問題となってアジア系アメリカ人が権利を主張する契機となった。 (ja)
  • Vincent Jen Chin (chiń. upr. 陳果仁; chiń. trad. 陈果仁; pinyin Chén Guǒrén; ur. 18 maja 1955 w Guangdong, zm. 23 czerwca 1982 w Detroit) – Amerykanin chińskiego pochodzenia, który w czerwcu 1982 roku został pobity ze skutkiem śmiertelnym na terenie miasta Highland Park („enklawy” Detroit), w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Pobicie doprowadziło do śmierci ofiary w ciągu czterech dni. (pl)
  • Vincent Chin (Guangdong, 18 de maig de 1955 - Highland Park, 23 de juny de 1982) va ser dibuixant xinès-americà que va ser apallissat per dos homes blancs, fins a la mort, el supervisor de la planta de Chrysler Ronald Ebens i el seu fillastre, treballador d'automotriu acomiadat, Michael Nitz. Chin va ser traslladat a l'Hospital Henry Ford de Detroit, on una infermera va dir al seu amic de la infància que "no té cap oportunitat" i que "el seu cervell estava mort". Va morir de les ferides quatre dies després. (ca)
  • Vincent Jen Chin (Chinese: 陳果仁; May 18, 1955 – June 23, 1982) was an American draftsman of Chinese descent who was killed in a racially motivated assault by two white men, Chrysler plant supervisor Ronald Ebens and his stepson, laid-off autoworker Michael Nitz. Ebens and Nitz assailed Chin following a brawl that took place at a strip club in Highland Park, Michigan, where Chin had been celebrating his bachelor party with friends in advance of his upcoming wedding. Against the backdrop of high anti-Japanese sentiment in the United States at the time – known as "Japan bashing" – they had assumed that Chin was Japanese and witnesses described them using anti-Asian racial slurs as they attacked him, ultimately beating him to death. Ebens and Nitz blamed Chin for the success of Japan's automoti (en)
  • Vincent Jen Chin (陳果仁 in cinese; Chén Guǒrén in pinyin) fu un progettista cinese-americano nato nella provincia di Guangdong, Cina il 18 maggio 1955 e brutalmente ucciso nel 1982 da due uomini bianchi, (supervisore di un impianto della Chrysler) e il figliastro Michael Nitz. Chin fu portato d'urgenza all'Henry Ford Hospital di Detroit, dove un'infermiera spiegò ad un amico d'infanzia di Chin che la vittima non aveva speranza e che ormai il suo cervello era già morto, tant'è che il decesso di Chin fu dichiarato quattro giorni dopo. (it)
  • 陈果仁(英語:Vincent Jen Chin,1955年5月18日-1982年6月19日)是美国一名美籍华裔制图员,被克莱斯勒工厂主管和他的继子、失业工人迈克尔·尼兹(Michael Nitz)两名白人殴打致死。 在密歇根州的一家脱衣舞俱乐部内发生争执后,埃本斯与尼兹袭击了陈果仁。当时,陈果仁正和他的朋友正在那里举行以庆祝他即将到来的婚礼。埃本斯和尼兹声称他们袭击陈果仁是因为他的日本血统,而据在场人证实,埃本斯和尼兹在殴打的过程中使用了种族歧视词语。尽管事后证明陈果仁是华裔,但是埃本斯和尼兹却将他们的作案动机归咎于日本汽车工业的成功。当时的是全美对亚裔最为仇恨的种族主义火药桶,特别是日本汽车工业在美国国内对本土汽车行业造成冲击并导致加剧衰落,因此失业的汽车工人将他们对亚裔的怨恨归因于日本的竞争。 陈果仁被他的友人送至底特律的救治。在那里,一名护士告诉也是其童年伙伴的陈果仁友人,表示“他(陈果仁)没有机会了”,“他的大脑已经死亡了”。四天后,陈果仁因伤重宣告不治。 罗纳德·埃本斯和迈克尔·尼兹被以二级谋杀罪起诉,但在1983年其诉状被降格为并以此达成认罪协议。他们被各判罚3000美金及三年缓刑,实际上并没有监禁。尽管埃本斯和尼兹并没有否认针对陈果仁的斗殴,但是他们否认这是出于种族主义动机并拒绝承认他们使用了种族仇恨的标语。 (zh)
  • Vincent Chin (ca)
  • Killing of Vincent Chin (en)
  • Assassinio di Vincent Chin (it)
  • ビンセント・チン (ja)
  • Morderstwo Vincenta China (pl)
  • 陈果仁谋杀案 (zh)
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